“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 30 June 2008

Japanese students

...really vary. I've just finished my lesson prep for tomorrow and I'm wondering now how well it's gonna gp. Depends on their mood really - the buggers have a common tendency to pretend that they don't understand causing you to pull your hair out in frustration as you try to explain again and again. Having said that they have impressed me a couple of times...

Over the last couple of weeks I've been watching Spiderman with my 14/15 year olds - doing the usual fill in the blanks, what happens next kind of thing. Then I asked them if they could have one superpower, what would it be and why. Some of the responses were pretty standard - invisibility and that kind of thing...but then I got these:

'I would create my own country to make the world a better place'

'I would have the ability to inhale C02 and exhale oxygen to save the planet'

'I would turn rubbish into trees to save the planet'

'i would have a superbrain so I never have to study'

'I would have x-ray vision to see girls naked'.

You gotta love them...especially after spending today talking about how much they love sausage ;-)

That's just reminded me...

....I really have to mention the unbelievable differences between the Chinese and Japanese.

When I was in Beijing, quite frankly I was DISGUSTED by the habits of the locals. Now, I have been informed that other parts of China are not like this, so before everyone starts jumping down my throat bout me hating on the Chinese, I'm not. I'm simply telling you what I saw.

Firstly SMOG! I have never seen anything like it. At first I thought it was just cloudy...and then I stepped outside and literally couldn't breathe. I was forced to buy one of those masks that the Japanese wear when they have a cold to stop spreading germs. Fetching, eh? Beijing has a serious traffic problem. And the roads have 7 lanes going EACH WAY and still, you could be stuck there for hours.

2) SPITTING - men and women alike. Every split second it was all you could hear and see. Fing disgusting. Can't put it politely.

3) PUBLIC URINATION - this applies to children more than the adults actually. You see, the kids wear these trousers that are open at the crotch meaning that at anytime and any place they can simply squat on the floor and do their business. Just walking along casually, my friend and I turned a corner to be greeted with a stream of urine coming from a little girl squatting IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PAVEMENT ON A BUSY STREET (?!?!?!?!?!?!?). I was scared to walk in front of lil boys in case they decided to let it all out there and then! My friend went to China not long after I did and said that she saw a girl taking a shit in the middle of a SHRINE. Respectful. Think this really shocked me - Beijing has some beautiful historical buildings, yet the Chinese themselves seem to show absolutely no respect for them.

4) MANNERS - my first day there I got my chopsticks THROWN at me in a restaurant. Then a cab driver wouldn't take me where I wanted to go because he didn't know where it was. Despite me showing him a map and giving the place names in kanji.

5) LACK OF ENGLISH - don't know how the hell Beijing is gonna cope with the Olympics. I can only assume that they are going to employ a lot of foreigners of English speakers because there is hardly anyone who spoke even the basics of English. Which is surprising for such a touristy city. If you're gonna take a cab anywhere, make sure that you can give the driver the place name in Kanji. Otherwise, you're not going anyway.

Historically the city is amazing. Culturally, they have a long way to go.


In an attempt to try and tell you how insane this experience has been, I'm gonna start with my travels. See, being on this programme allows a ridiculous number of opportunities to travel Asia. 20 days paid leave a year plus the 15 national holidays Japan has, has meant that in the short time that I have been here I've been able to do a fair amount of travelling both within and outside of Japan. Even at this point in time I am planning even more trips, including a long weekend away in Hong Kong from 19th July. Really can't wait for that one - the sales there are supposed to be AMAZING!!!

Favourite place in Japan so far? Without a doubt, a tiny place in Kyushu called Takachiho (高千穂). It's absolutely stunning and so GREEN! Spent a really nice day there, chilling, walking around, fishing, boat rides.....if it wasn't for the Japanese constantly staring (foreigners are kinda rare this end of the country) then I would never have guessed I was still in Japan. A far cry from Tokyo..but more on that later ;-)

March was the first time I'd been out of the country (not including my visit home at Xmas). I went to China with one goal in mind...The Wall. Probably the most incredible thing I have ever seen or done, it was a 4 hour hike from Jinshanling to Simitai and was steep, unstable and left my legs caning for 3 days. We could of opted fo the easy one hour touristy hike but nah! We decided if you're gonna do this, then you may as well do it properly! Simply incredible - even know when I look at the pictures, I can't believe I was there. I can't believe I did it - the one thing visible from space and I was there. Now on a mission to visit the remaining 6 wonders of the world.....although they're constantly changing......

Snow at the top, sunshine at the bottom! I would love to say that I was just admiring the view in the second one but I was taking a break from all the stairs!

The last place I went to outside of Japan was the Philippines. I think what ruined this break for me was the fact that I had to do 6 flights in a week. And I have an extremely low tolerance of airports!! Manila was OK - just another city in a third world country. We were only there for a couple of days in transit to and from Boracay Island. Oh yes..Boracay. Paradise on Earth. We stayed in a cute lil place on White Beach - allegedly the second best beach in the world (1st is Nassau Beach in the Bahamas). Don't get me wrong - it was absolutely stunning, but I reckon I saw better beaches in Brazil....absolutely loved it though. White sand, turquoise waters..and EVERYTHING is on the beach. These were some of the best beach clubs I've ever been too! Wouldn't mind checking out the other islands though - especially Palawan which is supposed to be awesome!! Oooooh and on our last night there we ran into some famous Filipino movie stars who showed us a good time! And we didn't have to pay a penny! Nice....
I took so many pics - these are a few of the faves!

Just HOW gorgeous are these sunsets?! Literally took my breath away.

The colours of the sky were just amazing and the beach bars were so romantic!! Better take the man with me next time!!

It was one of those islands where the beach actually does look like the brochure picture *sigh*


So I totally suck at keeping a blog. I know. But I have been inspired to start writing again - don't ask why! This time I promise to do it properly! There is no way in hell I can catch up with the last 10 months -way too long and way to boring! But I will fill in the details where I can! A million apologies - I know most of you will have totally given up checking this by now...but I PROMISE there will be something to read from now on!