“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 28 April 2014

On The Mend

Doing this course definitely takes its toll on your body.

3 of us on the course all got struck down with colds last week. I literally spent the whole weekend in bed, coughing my lungs up and watching TV. I turned the air con off, necked a total of 7.5 litres of water and numerous cups of tea, and today, I'm finally feeling a little bit stronger.

If I see another cup of ginger tea, I'm going to throw it across the room! LOL!

I honestly cannot believe it's the end of April already. The last 3 weeks have absolutely flown by, and I'm just trying to mentally prepare myself for the stress which is going to come over these last 2 weeks.....starting tomorrow!

It's going well though - I've learnt sooooo much and it's been fun teaching in a multilingual classroom again. We got to do an experimental lesson, which basically gives you the chance to try something completely different...and the best bit is, it doesn't matter if it doesn't work! I decided to go for one of those alternative holistic approaches, and absolutely LOVED it! HAHAHA! I've never had a quicker change of attitude towards something!

The challenges that are going to start rearing their ugly heads now are 
1 - how to juggle doing 2 more modules when I'm back in Japan and working full time
2 - how to use all this new knowledge in my current context.

Something that I definitely need to start thinking about.


Tuesday 15 April 2014

One Month To Go!

OK, so I know the update came a lot later than planned, many apologies!

The DELTA is no joke. I knew this before I started - I knew it was going to be a lot of reading, a lot of essays, a lot of lesson plans and a whole load of teaching. I knew this. 

But no matter how mentally prepared you are, the insane workload of this course still manages to come as a shock.

The first 3 weeks are HECTIC. Essay after essay and so much reading you barely have time to breathe after finishing one before you're picking up another book to start reading for the next work. I have to say that I am totally surprised at how well I'm doing so far - I knew I started behind everyone else, but I've managed to catch up and find myself on par and near the top of the group. It just goes to show that hard work does pay off.

We are a lucky group though, because Songkran (Thai New Year) falls during our course. Which means we get this week off!!! Ohhhhh how easy it is to become complacent, but it is the perfect chance to catch up and, dare I say it, get ahead with all the reading and essays that are due over the next 3 weeks. Definitely hoping to still get some beach and tanning time in there though!

The key to this course is getting a good handle on your time management. Seriously. It's the one piece of advice I'd give anyone thinking about taking the course. Get your s*** worked out and the stress is so much more manageable. 

I'm definitely not socialising as much as I did when I did my CELTA, but I have managed to catch up with some friends and also spend some time with some special people. But now that everyone has left, the mad workload starts today. I'm going to try and bust out 3 essays in a week. Yahhhh...good luck with that I know! LOL!

So that's a very brief summary of what is going on. Naturally I'm heartbroken to have missed hanami in Tokyo, but I am enjoying being back in Thailand and chowing down Thai food everyday. 

Be back at ya with another update soon!
