“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 20 February 2013

New Opportunities

Nyyyaaaa!!! I can't believe it's been so long since my last entry.

For those of you that care, GOMEN!!

Things have been super hectic over the last few weeks as I've been having a million and one dilemmas over career changes, men and money.


I don't even know where to start. And there's only so much I can spill at this stage because I have no idea who's going to end up reading this, but I'm sure that we've all been in this situation at some point.

OK, so career and money.

A new opportunity has recently appeared which has left me in that all too common dilemma of job satisfaction vs. money. 

Since I started my current company, I've worked 6 or 7 days a week for pretty much 2 years. It's like I know I've taken long holidays and stuff and it has been my choice, but I'm at that point where I wanna cut down to 5 and take 2 days off like normal people!!!! I think the direction that I can go in is pretty limited regarding career advancement. This other opportunity will allow me to branch into more areas and allow me to develop skills which I potentially have, but haven't been able to harvest.

The new opportunity will take me more in the direction that I wanna go, but we are talking a SERIOUS paycut. My taxes and insurance are huge and with the paycut, I'd barely be able to cover them. And of course, that means I can kiss goodbye to taking holidays whenever I like for however long I like. I knew that it was going to happen at some point and I also knew that when it happened, it would be hard.


Because now that means I MIGHT not be able to go to Hawaii for my birthday....which is kinda heartbreaking seeing as I've been planning it since I turned 29 last June. (T T)

I've been pretty good on not going out so much this month, but everyday expenses like food just eat away at the bank balance over time. And also given that I'm being way more experimental with my cooking, I'm spending even more than usual on ingredients. And all of this is starting to show in my figure!!!!!

Really need to get my fat arse to a gym! It costs enough every month - the least I could do is actually go!

It's that time of the year for filing taxes. I sifted through a whole load of receipts and made a few calculations. All I need to do now is get down to the tax office. I was gonna go today but laziness struck and I decided to find a billion other things to do instead. LOL! I'll take a day off next week and head down there and get it out the way. Such a pain in the arse.

On a more positive note, I've been asked to write a column for a newspaper. I'm not going to write which one but it's going to be a series of 13 essays to be published every week from July about different experiences in Japan and cultural stuff about the UK. I don't really consider myself as a writer, but I'm not gonna lie - it's going to be nice to be working on something different for the next couple of months. I've got a few topics lined up already. All I need to do now is sit down and start writing! The deadline's in April, but I don't wanna be working on everything at the last minute.


Recently, I've been dating a LOT. And I really mean a lot. It's starting to get exhausting and sometimes I'm getting these guys mixed up, but it's all good fun! There are about 5 or 6 front runners, but to be honest none of them are really GRABBING me. I'm not looking at any particular one and thinking "You are a great guy!!!!" It's more like...."You're a NICE guy" or "You're a SWEET guy". What I'm missing is the super sexy I wanna tear your clothes off guy! LOL! I just want them to be TALLER. As in like 6'3 upwards.

Yeh, I know...keep dreaming. LOL!

But we'll see.



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