“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Don't Wait

This has been a week of not getting enough sleep...and sheer excitement.

Recently, two women have walked into my life. The circumstances in which they have done so are unfortunate, to say the least, and I did try and ignore their presence for a while and carry on as I have been.

However, I let them in and I am so glad I did! With the barrage of information that I have been receiving this week, I have embraced their positivity and am feeling stronger, happier and more determined to live life as I want to than ever! Things do happen for a reason and the ups and downs that we go through in life shape who we become. The things that have come to light have just made EVERYTHING so much easier to walk away from. It doesn't matter that I already had - with what I know now, looking back isn't even worth THINKING about. 

I may not have been to the gym for a week and a half because my body is exhausted...but that's OK because I have been keeping busy and processing this new information that has been made available to me.

I may not have liked what I heard - it might have floored me because I was so stunned, BUT it has made me realise more than ever, that taking back control and doing what I want to do is the only way forward now. 

I've completely let go and all I can do now is smile about it - not because it happened, but because I have dodged one hell of a bullet! And so have they!

I've been seeing a whole load of quotes on Instagram and Pinterest recently. You know I love Mark Twain and seeing his quote that I posted on Facebook....I stopped talking and took action.

Last night I booked my flight to....


Whoop whoop!

3 weeks from mid-Dec to January.

Don't worry - I'll be passing through London for a week! Have to get my yearly shop in!

It is financially crippling. But if you look at the latest thing I posted on FB...I don't care. Should I be saving? Probably. But I don't have dependants, I don't have a husband, I don't have copious amounts of debt. It's just me. I only have to take care of myself. And my attitude right now?

Money can be made back.

Who cares how much it costs! I'll just work my arse off! There is still so much of the world that I want to see and the one thing that has been missing from my life for the last 18 months has been travel. You know it is one of the most important things for me, and  for the last year and half I gave it up and settled in a situation that just made me unhappy.

ANYONE I be with...anyone I choose to date has to be willing to travel the world with me. I nearly trapped myself before and am not going to do it again. 

So I'm travelling.

Don't wait. Just do it. While you can. I do not want to be on my deathbed wishing that I had taken more risks, that I had travelled more, that I hadn't worried so much about saving. That's not going to be me.

I am so effing excited!!!!!!! This is going to go down as one of my trips of a lifetime for sure!


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