“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 27 January 2013


I am super happy that the new season of PR has started.

I watched the first episode today...and was MORTIFIED at what Heidi Klum was wearing!

A sheer black top with a black bra underneath - really?!


The only thing that I am enjoying about this ghastly winter season is the fashion. I absolutely LOVE wearing my skinny jeans with insanely high heeled boots and oversized knits and jackets. It's a really interesting time to work as well, because I'm always observing what people are wearing.

And for the record, down jackets shouldn't be worn with suits ladies!!! 

I've had a lot of conversations with clients recently about beauty and fashion. I've noticed a lot of patterns emerging amongst women regarding what beauty actually is.

For women under 30, the majority think it's at least 90% physical appearance. One of my clients told me that her resolution was to be sexy. When I asked her what she thought she had to do to be more sexy, she told me that she would wear heels every day, short skirts or shorts and never trousers, put on a lot of make up including false eyelashes and not wear too many layers. She would never pay for drinks in clubs and flirt as much as possible.


The problem is I've known this girl for a while and she's pretty. The fake eyelashes that she was wearing when she came to the lesson completely dominated her eyes so that you couldn't even see them. The idea of lashes is to open up your eyes, not hide them. She was also wearing foundation so thick that you could probably leave a nail mark in it. She's gone from being a pretty girl to just looking cheap to be honest. Not that I told her that, mind you! I just felt sad that her perception of beauty and sexiness was so warped that she didn't realise that she was beautiful and sexy anyway. =(

Talking to women over the age of 30 was a different story. They all agree that of course beauty is partly physical appearance, but they also recognize the value of inner beauty. I heard some really wonderful things about the characteristics that they believe make up inner beauty. 2 women told me that they admire my character and when I asked them why, they told me because on the outside I appear strong, confident and passionate, but after they got to know me better, they recognized a sensitivity, generosity and kindness that they may not have thought was originally there. *blush*


I was flattered actually and that was kind of echoed in something that my friend told me yesterday. An old friend from Saga was in town and as we were catching up, he told me how surprised he had been a few years ago when I agreed to be an MC for a charity Christmas party. He told me that someone had suggested asking me, but he had said that there was no way I would ever do it, so when I agreed his perception of me completely changed.

I know that I may appear selfish, but everyone has more than one side. The key is to dig a little deeper. The people that know me best didn't have the most favourable first impression of me nor me them. It just goes to show.

Don't judge a book by it's cover.

And even though I'm totally judging what Heidi is wearing on PR, well....she supposed to have a stylist and doesn't have an excuse!



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