“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 22 January 2013


On my second day in NZ, I took a day trip from Christchurch to Kaikoura. It's about 2 and a half hours north of Christchurch on the bus and is a little coastal town renowned for the most amazing marine life.

Unfortunately for me, when I set out in the morning, it was grey, gloomy and drizzling. I still had the option to go whale watching, but it was expensive and even though they promise to return 80% of your money if you don't see any whales, I didn't fancy being out on the water in that weather. LOL - I was thinking about hte quality of the pictures that I would have ended up with!

So after a nice brunch in a cute seaside cafe, I set off on a walk. Kaikoura is really unique in that you have mountains so close to the sea. I couldn't get a clear shot because of the weather, but I can imagine that on a clear day, it would look stunning.

This is the best shot that I could get, but you can see that there it's super cloudy so you can't see the moutains clearly.

Since I couldn't get out onto the water for any snorkelling or whale watching, I hit up the Kaikoura Peninsula Walkway, which is a 2 hour clifftop walk which weaves around the coast, through the forest and back to the city centre. It was a really nice walk actually, nothing too taxing, which was good because the weather suddenly changed and the sun was blazing down on me. I had sunscreen in my bag, but for some reason I didn't feel the need to put it on.

Oh my....how I regretted that decision the next day! I woke up lobster red with a bright white sunglasses mark. No amount of make up could save me from the humiliation that I had to endure for the next week!!

What was really interesting about tramping in NZ is that when you meet other people on the trails, they say hi to you. At first I thought it was so weird but then it started to make me smile and I really got into the whole spirit of it. The only people who never responded were the Japanese! LOL!

Kaikoura is very much a touristy little town centred around one street, which was brimming with souvenir shops, fish and chips and CLAMS. You could eat clams in a billion different ways there!!!

I only spent about 8 hours or so there, but it was definitely enough. The city centre just had huge groups of families loafing around, so after the peace and quiet of my walk, it was the last thing I wanted to surround myself with. I got back into Christchurch at about 7pm and went for dinner with my friend and his family. It was his dad's 72nd birthday, so we had a cute lil party at home.

Very picturesque though, there's no denying that. And defintiely worth a visit if you're passing through there on your way to Christchurch or Picton.

Check out the pics on FB!


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