“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 11 January 2013

It's Sales Season!!!

Firstly, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

And YES, I will eventually get round to telling you all about my trip to New Zealand. For the time being, I'll sum it up in one word for you....


That is a very, very special country and after things calm down a bit and I've had time to sift through the 700+ photos I took, I'm gonna break it down place by place for you! =)

It's been an OK couple of days back at work - busy and straight back to the grind. It's always like that after I come back and it ends up feeling like I've never been away. But I can honestly say that my trip to NZ was kind of a life changing experience and I'm now looking at things a little more differently....that's as much as I'm going to share, sorry! HAHA!

So in my break yesterday and after work today, I hit the sales. Now I never normally go to certain high street stores, but recently when I've been asking people where they bought some of their gorgeous clothes, they all told me they were high street so I thought I'd give it a go.

4 stores, 6 hours and 80,000yen. That's the damage for this year.

It sounds like a lot of money, but seriously, I got SO MUCH stuff for that money. The problem with high street is that I'm pretty sure half of it is going to disintegrate in the washing machine! LOL! But it was so cheap, I just couldn't resist! I've got like 2 jackets, 3 pairs of shoes, about 7 shirts, 8 pairs of tights, slippers, god knows how many tops, about 3 or 4 dresses...I can't even remember now! And all of that is on top of the tops, dress, shorts and 3 pairs of shoes I bought in NZ. What can I say? It's sales season and it's not my fault this stuff was so cheap! LOL!

The problem I have now, is trying to make the space for it all. Seriously, 80,000 yen in high street stores is a crap lot of clothes and my draws are already bursting, as is my wardobe and I don't have any shoe space left so it's definitely time to clear out the closet! I would easily be able to throw clothes away if I had worn them to death and they were manky, but loads of stuff is pretty new, barely worn, in great condition, expensive and some clothes still have the labels on! Because of that, I'm kinda like hmmmmmm....about giving it to charity - especially the new stuff. Ideally I'd like to sell it but over here, I haven't got a clue where to start with that. I thought about taking it into work but then I realised that half of it would definitely be too big for the staff and wither too big or small for my other coworkers. i can't actually think of one girl I work with who is the same size as me. So that's shagged that idea!

And then it's like when you look at stuff and you don't wanna get rid of it because "one day you might wear it again". LOL! I have so much stuff that when I look at it, I think it's so cute but then I haven't actually worn it for a couple of years. But I might wear it this year you know! HAHA!

If anyone knows of a good way to sell clothes, then let me know!

And I'll be updating about my trip soon - I promise!


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