“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 23 December 2012

New Zealand!!!

So I've landed safe and sound in New Zealand!

First stop - Christchurch!

My old flatmate from Japan came to meet me at the airport - it's been about a year and a half since he moved him and he hasn't changed a bit lol!

After a gorgeous drive in the mountains, we headed to his local where I was surrounded by a whole group of crude Kiwis, a Scot and an Irish guy. What a laugh!! It felt so weird hearing that kind of banter after such a long time! Christchurch actually reminds me of the UK a lot, except with wider roads!

Surprising thing number 1 - the damage from the earthquake here last year is still all too apparent. The CBD is practically shut down and there is still so much debris EVERYWHERE. I was talking to a guy in the pub last night and he's a catastrophe surveyor. He said that he was just AMAZED at who quickly Japan got into their clean up operation - I'm sure many people in Tohoku would disagree but from what he was saying, Japan have done alright!

Today I'm in Kaikoura, which is a couple of hours north of Christchurch. I got the bus at some ungodly hour this morning and I was a bit worried coz it was cold and looked like it was going to rain. It's 3.20pm now, the sun is blazing and the timing couldn't have been more perfect! I'm taking some time out after having finished a 3 hour walk.

This place is STUNNING. It's ridiculous! The mountains are so close to the sea - although it's a little bit cloudy so you can't see the peaks, but the water is gorgeously blue and the views from the clifftops were insanely pretty! I just loved every minute of walking along the peninsular and was just snapping away like a mad woman!

Surprising thing number 2 - on my hike I think about 15 people smiled and said hello to me as I walked past them. That always throws me because it doesn't happen in Japan OR the UK! But it's really lovely - the people hear just love to chat! Sometimes a little too much.....

I'll keep ya updated but I gotta go and catch my bus back to Christchurch!


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