“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 13 June 2014

It's Over!

What an intense, stressful 3 months.

When I got back from Thailand, I had to jump straight into 2 other modules and full time work. I was warned that it was going to be hard, but I don't think anything could've prepared me for how effing difficult and stressful and exhausting it was going to be!

I ended up studying for the Module 1 exam 10 hours the day before...and ended up working on my Module 3 on the shinkansen back to Tokyo. I have to seriously thank my tutors and one of my peers, because without them, I never would have been able to finish on time. I met some fantastic people on the course and hope our paths will cross again professionally in the future.

It has just been non-stop for the last 3 weeks. But FINALLY, I feel that things can start to slow down. Starting on Monday, I'm going to start taking care of everything that has been put on the bench for the last few months, including my fitness, the state of my house, bills and catching up with friends. It's just the sheer exhaustion that I'm feeling makes it so hard to get started on anything. Today is the first day where I haven't had to do ANY work, ANY reading...and I effed it up by getting drunk last night - the first time I've celebrated finishing the course....so now I'm even more tired and hungover. 

But I'm so looking forward to catching up with friends over the next couple of weekends. Now that the pressure is off, this feeling is just.....unreal. I almost can't believe I made it to the end. Now I have to play the waiting game - the results are due in August. 

My birthday crept up on me...31....I think because I was in the middle of a whole load of stress, I didn't really think about it. And I had a lovely, romantic weekend, but I was never able to completely forget about all the other work that I had to do, so I couldn't completely relax, and spent my birthday evening working. 

Now it's time to work on the next stages...whatever they may be. Thank you for all the well wishes, support and messages of encouragement. It's nice to know that even one person has been inspired! (*^_^*)


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