“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 11 May 2014


Revelling in finishing the course on Friday didn't last long.

Up early on Saturday, got to the airport without any problems - and the taxi driver actually ran his meter, so from central Bangkok to the airport only cost just over 200 baht, got away with 30+ kg of luggage...dragged my arse to the departure lounge....

....and then found out my flight was 45 minutes delayed. 

I was already thinking that I would be pushing my luck because I only had just over an hour and a half to transfer in KL in the first place....with this delay, I would only have had 30 minutes.

I asked the woman if I'd make it and she was all like,  "Sure, sure you have plenty of time".

30 minutes for a transfer is NOT plenty of time. Especially at an airport which only opened 2 days ago. 

Then the flight was an hour delayed. I knew I wasn't going to make my connecting flight, but the woman was there, telling us all we'd still make the flight. If she had just been honest and admitted that we didn't have a chance in hell of making the flight, I would've just booked a direct flight with another airline to make sure that I could arrive back to Tokyo last night.


So we arrived at the new Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 (KLIA). It's stunning. Like a mall. And it was about time they closed down that piece of shit LCCT terminal! Problem? It was absolutely AGES to the connecting gates. It took over 5 minutes to get there and when I arrived, my gate was already closed. So I had to go through immigration, pick up my luggage and then head up to the service counter to get another ticket.

My luggage never arrived. I couldn't get another flight yesterday. The only airline that was flying to Haneda was Malaysian Airlines. 

Let me. LOL!

In all my years of travelling, I have never missed a flight and I've never lost my luggage. What I've done to deserve both happening on the same day right after finishing a DELTA Module 2 course is beyond me. 

After 3 hours of loafing around and barging my way through restricted areas, I managed to find my suitcase. Some consolation. And then I was taken to this hotel......which doesn't serve alcohol. I could deal with the shitty choices for dinner and breakfast and even with the old bathroom....but after the day I'd had yesterday, I was just desperate for a rum and coke. =( If I had been in downtown KL, it wouldn't have been so bad, but I was in some tiny little town in the arse end of nowhere.....and with very few women about. 

So I'm flying out this afternoon at the same time I was supposed to be flying yesterday. That wouldn't be so bad if I could've been picked up at the airport like I would've been able to had I arrived last night. Now I have to lug more than 50kg of luggage that I can barely lift back on the trains. And we all know what Japanese people are like for lending a hand.

I'm dreading it.

Plus, I won't get that one day that I so desperately needed to wind down. I'm going to have gone from 2 months of intensive stress straight back into work. No time to process anything in between. No time to relax before I have to juggle work and DELTA Modules 1 and 3 all at the same time.


I just hope the flight isn't delayed today - if it is I'm going to miss all the last trains when I get back to Tokyo.

Pllleeeeaaasssseeee go smoothly. 


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