“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 18 June 2010

One More Day To Go!

One more day and I'm free!!

My days of teaching kids are finally over! No more songs, no more puppets, no more wailing brats running around, no more kids picking their noses or scratching their arses and then trying to touch me - NO MORE!!!

I actually feel kinda bad when I'm standing there saying my goodbyes to the parents and they're crying and I just have this massive grin on my face because the end is getting closer and closer. I won't even have time to process everything because I have to get home asap and then start packing! Everything suddenly seems to be happening so fast - it's crazy!

Now that I've had a little bit of time to actually thinking about it, I can't believe that I'm gonna get to see my girls next week! It's so effing exciting and I know that I am just gonna have the best time with them - hanging out and catching up. It's like the perfect time to be taking this break - right after finishing this awful job that I've been struggling through for the last eight months. And then when I come back in July, it's a whole new start and I'm looking forward to being all refreshed for it!

I got to speak to my boy in Kyushu last night. I haven't spoken to him for a while and just hearing his voice put a massive smile on my face. I miss him a lot and even though he's leaving Japan this year, I know I'll be seeing him again. I just wish that I could spend some one on one time with him before he leaves. It's not gonna happen coz when he comes up to Tokyo to say goodbye next month, he's gonna be coming with a friend so I won't get the time that I want with him to say goodbye privately. But hey, it's the last time that I'm gonna see him before he leaves so it's better than nothing!

I feel like I've been really productive today. I had a couple of rare free blocks in my schedule and used that time to get all the info that I needed for Sunday all printed out and ready to go. I finally managed to catch up and reply to all those emails that have been sitting around in my inbox for weeks. I love it when you get shit done. It feels really, really good.

I'm feeling really, really good. I'm tired and piling on the pounds because I've been eating like shit for the last 2 months and have barely made it to the gym, but life is good. I'm gonna get on that the minute I get back! Now that I can make my own schedule, I can work around my classes at the gym so that there's no excuse for not going. May as well start working on my bikini body for December now!

Apologies to South Beach in advance for tortuing you with the sight of my spare tyres!


Wednesday 16 June 2010

On the Up

I am soooo knackered.

But I am really liking the direction this new job is going in.

Barely a month in and I have been approached to do corporate sales meetings and I start training for them next month when I get back from the States.

Sounds kinda nice, huh?

I've been told that it's ridiculously early for me to be asked to do something like this but the managers think that I'll be a natural at it and so are willing to take the risk on me. I guess it's a little bit intimidating but there is no way in hell that I'm gonna turn it down - the bonuses that come with successful meetings are INSANE. And I need the money more than ever! So yah, it's really exciting and flattering to already be moving up. I'm looking forward to getting started.

My students are definitely not making my last week at work easy! I started the day off with a 40 minute screaming tantrum and had a headache for the rest of the day. I guess it didn't help that I was already knackered but only 3 more days to go and I can walk away from teaching kids. The thought of it alone puts a massive grin on my face. I'm just at that point now where I am so exhausted at the end of every day, that I just can't wait for it to be all over. And since there's been an end in sight, it has been much easier to just not care. I stopped lesson planning a long time ago and that alone has given me more time to wind down between classes. Whoever said that you couldn't just wing it?! ;-)

Life is good. I just need more sleep!


Sunday 13 June 2010

What A Punk!

K, so i really have a nap before I head out again so I'm gonna make this short.

Robert Green is a PUNK.

I just watched the highlights of the England - USA game and I'm just like shaking my head. I can't believe that he made such a blundering mistake - I mean, it's so damn EMBARRASSING!! There seemed to be loads of chances for goals in the match on both sides - I'm kinda annoyed that I couldn't watch it live, but with it kicking off at 3.45am and having to work at 10am, I just decided it wasn't worth it to be knackered all day. And now that I've watched the highlights, I'm so glad that I didn't bother!


Korea on the other hand thrashed Greece - I was watching that match while I was having dinner in a Brazilian restaurant last night. Man, that was soooooo good! And I'm really excited because I have a DAY OFF tomorrow so it means I can go out on the town tonight - FINALLY!!! Yay!!! Not that I have the money but it's gonna be a super cheap nomihoudai deal so it's all good!!

Really knackered but still loving my new job. I can't believe that this time in a week I'm gonna be in the States. I really need to get off my arse tomorrow and actually start doing some prep for that!! It just feels like I don't get a chance to do any of the things I need to do recently but I'm hoping come September, things would've settled down a little bit and I can get out of this working 7 days a week lark.

Now about that nap...


Thursday 10 June 2010


Man, I don't know where the time goes.

Next Sunday I'm off to the States and I couldn't be less prepared! I just haven't had the time to organize a damn thing! Looks like next week is gonna be a last minute rush to get everything sorted out.

I'm the last couple of weeks at one of my jobs and I just can't wait until that last day where I walk away from teaching kids full time. I'm grinning my arse off at the thought of it and it just can't come soon enough. I am feeling a bit bad sometimes when I see the parents' reaction to me leaving and it's nice because they are telling me stuff like I'm the best one that's been there (so far) or the only one that control the problem kids and stuff like that. And even though it's true (:p), that is no way near enough to make me even consider staying.

On the other side of that, the new job is going really well. I'm really enjoying it and it's made me realise how much I've grown as a teacher since my ALT days. I have clients telling me how much they enjoyed my lessons and that I'm really good at what I do and it's a great thing to be able to say you know what, I'm damn good at what I do.

And I'm really starting to believe I am.

What else has been happening...

Oh yeh - my birthday! LOL!

So I spent the day working at the ghastly school - I didn't do anything to celebrate until last weekend.l A friend flew over from Kyushu and some friends and I hit the town in Shinjuku. It was a good laugh and I was so excited about rocking this new dress that I bought in Singapore. Hot, hot, hot! But yah - it was good times.

I saw SATC2 on Monday - it was a friend's birthday so I took him out. I LOVED that film! But it was really sad because it made me realise how much I miss the glamourous lifestyle that I had in London. Of course it wasn't on the same level of glam as the film but I was used to VIP treatment and you just don't get that over here. It also made me realise that I wanna bring glamour back!!! No more dressing down for me! HEHEHEHE!

And another bit of VERY recent news - as in like this happened a couple of days ago....I met a guy. Kind of. Maybe. Dunno yet. But it's looking good and it's actually kinda freaky because we have mutual acquaintances - can't be arsed to get into the whole thing but it's exciting to have someone I actually LIKE on the scene. The down side...he has a girl. The up side...she's not in Tokyo!! ;-) I KNOW I KNOW!!! I won't.
