“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday 10 June 2010


Man, I don't know where the time goes.

Next Sunday I'm off to the States and I couldn't be less prepared! I just haven't had the time to organize a damn thing! Looks like next week is gonna be a last minute rush to get everything sorted out.

I'm the last couple of weeks at one of my jobs and I just can't wait until that last day where I walk away from teaching kids full time. I'm grinning my arse off at the thought of it and it just can't come soon enough. I am feeling a bit bad sometimes when I see the parents' reaction to me leaving and it's nice because they are telling me stuff like I'm the best one that's been there (so far) or the only one that control the problem kids and stuff like that. And even though it's true (:p), that is no way near enough to make me even consider staying.

On the other side of that, the new job is going really well. I'm really enjoying it and it's made me realise how much I've grown as a teacher since my ALT days. I have clients telling me how much they enjoyed my lessons and that I'm really good at what I do and it's a great thing to be able to say you know what, I'm damn good at what I do.

And I'm really starting to believe I am.

What else has been happening...

Oh yeh - my birthday! LOL!

So I spent the day working at the ghastly school - I didn't do anything to celebrate until last weekend.l A friend flew over from Kyushu and some friends and I hit the town in Shinjuku. It was a good laugh and I was so excited about rocking this new dress that I bought in Singapore. Hot, hot, hot! But yah - it was good times.

I saw SATC2 on Monday - it was a friend's birthday so I took him out. I LOVED that film! But it was really sad because it made me realise how much I miss the glamourous lifestyle that I had in London. Of course it wasn't on the same level of glam as the film but I was used to VIP treatment and you just don't get that over here. It also made me realise that I wanna bring glamour back!!! No more dressing down for me! HEHEHEHE!

And another bit of VERY recent news - as in like this happened a couple of days ago....I met a guy. Kind of. Maybe. Dunno yet. But it's looking good and it's actually kinda freaky because we have mutual acquaintances - can't be arsed to get into the whole thing but it's exciting to have someone I actually LIKE on the scene. The down side...he has a girl. The up side...she's not in Tokyo!! ;-) I KNOW I KNOW!!! I won't.


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