“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday 20 June 2013


You have no idea how irritated I am right now.

I wish I could tell you that it's about something really juicy....but it isn't!



Seriously - I've been stuck at the same level for 2 effing days and I was up until 1am last night! That game is costing me my sleep!

If I see the message "You have not cleared all the jelly" one more time, I'm going to scream!


I ALWAYS end up with one left. ONE!!!! If they would just let me have one more move, I'd be out of my misery!

And now I have to wait 13 minutes to get more lives!

Who invented this stupid game?!

They should be shot!

LOL - how's that for a random one?!




Wednesday 19 June 2013

Bakewell Tarts!!!!

I know I rarely have a lot of positive things to say about my job.

But my goodness me, when it's good, it's really, REALLY good!

My shift last night was an absolute riot! I ended the night with 3 awesome ladies who just made my evening!

The first was a girl who couldn't be more of a receptive learner if she tried! She always wants to know super natural phrases, and she blows me away when weeks down the line, she can still use them perfectly.

I gave her some random words and asked her to make a story using them. She knows I love gossip and crazy imagination and it's defintiely had an effect on her writing! I have to share this with you because, honestly, I laughed so hard I cried!!!

The story started with:

"I met a guy whose face was busted. He tried to get into my pants".

I was gone from the first line. She continued as tears of laughter streamed down my face. And then she got to the end....

"I went to a Chinese restaurant with my boyfriend. I ate too much and felt like a fat pig, but my boyfriend said I was beautiful. We went home and I changed the light bulb. (one of the random words I had given her!) I wanted my boyfriend to see my sexy knickers. But suddenly, I got an upset stomach. So there was no action. My poor sexy knickers. The end."

PRICELESS. Absolutely priceless!

Seriously - how good is that?! When I met this girl, she could barely string a sentence together - I can't believe how fast she has progressed and her retention ability is so impressive!

Then came my next client who always gives me a giggle. Her attempts at making a telephone noise sent me into hysterics that I ended up in a coughing fit.

Just when I thought I couldn't handle any more excitement, my next client came in. I knew she had been on a business trip to London and had asked me a lot of advice about it before she went, so I was really excited to hear how everything went. Then out of her bag she pulled....

....an effing box of Bakewell Tarts!!!!!

I was so shocked, I actually shrieked and then I was bursting with happiness. It was all I could do not to rip open the box and start shovelling them into my mouth there and then!!!! I had told her that I missed them so much and she brought a box back from me! For that split second, I just wanted to go back to London and have a mammoth shopping spree in Tesco!!!

How much do I miss Tesco?!


So I went home in a great mood. And when I woke up this morning and saw those Bakewell Tarts on the side, I broke into a huge grin. I've been smiling all morning and after a caviar face mask, my skin is glowing. I don't think there's much that can spoil my day today! And even if there is, I'm not going to let it!



Monday 17 June 2013



I'm not really sure if I should write about this.....

.....but I'm going to anyway! LOL!

So basically, someone new came into my life at the end of last month.

Hot, sexy, inked, caring, funny, edgy, interesting, receptive, different and....


Of course.

But what was even more different about this person, is that there was an instant...




Hard to describe.

Not just physical attraction. Not just lust.

Do you remember about 3 years ago, I told you about that guy in Miami who made me drop my ice cream?

It's that same kind of connection that I had with that guy.

But even stronger.

Except this time, this guy is so completely unavailable, it's not even funny.

Not to mention that he also lives on the other side of the world.


I only got to spend the shortest of time with him, but when he left, I was actually gutted.

And annoyed that someone that had had that effect on me lives so far away that I'll never be able to find out what that was all about.

Just because he's not here anymore, it doesn't mean that he's not constantly on my mind.

Which is also really effing annoying.

I'm sure it will pass....かなぁー。



Sunday 16 June 2013

A New Decade

Yes, I know, I'm crap and haven't updated for a few weeks!

So, what's been happening?

Of course...

...I've entered a new decade!!

I had a great time on my birthday...and also a fantastic time the night before! To be honest, I spent my entire birthday with a champagne hangover, ended up falling asleep, rocked up late to my own birthday party and then started sipping on oolong tea!


It wasn't even about getting wasted. I was genuinely touched by the number of people who made the effort to come out and celebrate my birthday with me. It was great to see people that I haven't seen in AGES and also to watch everyone enjoying the food...especially since I barely touched any....and watch everyone laughing and having a good time. As well as enjoying the party myself, it's also important to me that everyone else has a good time.

How does being 30 feel?

Well, let's just say that my dirty thirties got off to a very dirty start indeed!


I'm over the whole feeling old thing and just wanna concentrate on staying healthy, continuing to travel and my career. There will be a lot of changes coming up over the next year, I reckon, and the most important thing for me to do now is to prepare and embrace those changes. I am ready for them....it's just taking that first leap.  I'm really excited about what's to come and I can feel that this is going to be such an awesome decade. 

I've taken the pressure off of myself and am concentrating on enjoying life.

I mean, that's what it's there for! 

Spontanaeity got the better of me last week and I ended up going to Thailand for a few days. I headed down to Koh Samui with a friend and my girl came down from the north to come and hang with me for a bit. I haven't seen her man since I left London and it was good to see that even after 6 years, none of us have changed! LOL! Seriously, it was fantastic to get away for a bit, catch up and just relax in a beautiful environment. It was pretty active - we were up at 6 or 7am every day to either watch the sunrise or work out. I had actually thought it was gonna be one of those chilled out things just lounging by the pool every day, but that only happened on the day we arrived. We rented a car, drove about the island, did a spot of shopping and then on the final day hit the spa for a whopping 7 hours and 15 minutes.

To say I felt ******* AMAZING when I left the spa is an understatement. 

It was perfect. Exactly what I needed.

And then it was back to Tokyo and back to work....and back to dealing with....yeh well, I don't even want to go into it. I've been pushed too far and am ready to do something about it. =)

Coming back to Tokyo also meant coming back to the rainy season. I'm not sure if it's just me, but I swear it's not as humid as last year...or maybe that's all still to come. I'm just looking forward to it being over and am hoping for some more beach time soon. 
