“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Bakewell Tarts!!!!

I know I rarely have a lot of positive things to say about my job.

But my goodness me, when it's good, it's really, REALLY good!

My shift last night was an absolute riot! I ended the night with 3 awesome ladies who just made my evening!

The first was a girl who couldn't be more of a receptive learner if she tried! She always wants to know super natural phrases, and she blows me away when weeks down the line, she can still use them perfectly.

I gave her some random words and asked her to make a story using them. She knows I love gossip and crazy imagination and it's defintiely had an effect on her writing! I have to share this with you because, honestly, I laughed so hard I cried!!!

The story started with:

"I met a guy whose face was busted. He tried to get into my pants".

I was gone from the first line. She continued as tears of laughter streamed down my face. And then she got to the end....

"I went to a Chinese restaurant with my boyfriend. I ate too much and felt like a fat pig, but my boyfriend said I was beautiful. We went home and I changed the light bulb. (one of the random words I had given her!) I wanted my boyfriend to see my sexy knickers. But suddenly, I got an upset stomach. So there was no action. My poor sexy knickers. The end."

PRICELESS. Absolutely priceless!

Seriously - how good is that?! When I met this girl, she could barely string a sentence together - I can't believe how fast she has progressed and her retention ability is so impressive!

Then came my next client who always gives me a giggle. Her attempts at making a telephone noise sent me into hysterics that I ended up in a coughing fit.

Just when I thought I couldn't handle any more excitement, my next client came in. I knew she had been on a business trip to London and had asked me a lot of advice about it before she went, so I was really excited to hear how everything went. Then out of her bag she pulled....

....an effing box of Bakewell Tarts!!!!!

I was so shocked, I actually shrieked and then I was bursting with happiness. It was all I could do not to rip open the box and start shovelling them into my mouth there and then!!!! I had told her that I missed them so much and she brought a box back from me! For that split second, I just wanted to go back to London and have a mammoth shopping spree in Tesco!!!

How much do I miss Tesco?!


So I went home in a great mood. And when I woke up this morning and saw those Bakewell Tarts on the side, I broke into a huge grin. I've been smiling all morning and after a caviar face mask, my skin is glowing. I don't think there's much that can spoil my day today! And even if there is, I'm not going to let it!



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