“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 1 December 2013

Are You Kidding Me?!

I'm sorry, but on what planet do some people think it's OK to just not show up when you've made plans with someone?!

I mailed my friend this afternoon just to check that we were still good for dinner tonight. They were supposed to head over mine and I was gonna rustle up something - just because I needed to be at home to make a cake.

So my friend was like, oh yeh, yeh that's cool.

And still hasn't rocked up.

No mail, no phone call, nothing.

I probably wouldn't care if I hadn't already jumped in the shower (covered in flour) and re-done my make up. But I have. So I'm p*****. At least I hadn't bothered getting dressed yet.

Now I know that there could be a perfectly reasonable explanation for it. Something might have happened and their phone could've died so they couldn't contact me to let me know.

Yawn. It better be something good if that's the case. 

But I'm pretty sure I know what's happened. My friend told me earlier that they had a seriously late night last night, were feeling hungover and had to work all day. My guess is, they got home and fell asleep. I'd rather hear that than some bollocks about a phone dying. They know where I live, so if they were intending to come over, then really, there's no excuse, ne. 

Less than impressed.

On a different topic, I've finished making my second German chocolate cake. The filling is even better than the first one as I added extra butter and evaporated milk. It looks awesome.

And on a completely different note - did you hear about Paul Walker?! I was so shocked to hear that he had been killed - and in a car crash!! It's a little ironic really, but extremely sad news. If someone asked me who I thought was the hottest actor in Hollywood, I would always say him. Hotness. What a shame. 




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