“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Given In

After years of refusing to be the same as everyone else, I've given in and got myself an iPhone.

The iPhone 5s in gold to be more specific.

It's not even that I really wanted this phone. It was just because my phone was 3 years old, driving me crazy and I needed to get a new one.

Truth be told, I'm in love with the Galaxy S4 and was even contemplating waiting until the release of the S5, but it's not available on au. And I absolutely refuse to switch networks, so I settled for the iPhone.

I'm neither overwhelemed nor underwhelmed with it. I have an iPad, so it's not like I need to spend ages trying to work out how to use it. Downloaded all my apps again, imported my contacts and I was all set to go.

Loving how fast it is and the battery life though. So far so good.

The other good thing about getting a new phone, is that it gives you the chance to clear out your phone book. I went through all my contacts and just deleted, deleted, deleted. There were so many people I couldn't even remember in there! So I've gone from over 200 contacts to just 59. And I'm feeling good about that!

Now I need to go through all the old messages and actually reply to some of them! LOL!


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