“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 27 May 2013


I know I said before that I was surrounded by a whole load of incompetent people.

Well, I'm surrounded by even more AMAZING people!

The last week of my twenties, and I've started to receive birthday presents already. 

I never really expect them, so when I get them it just makes me smile. And then I smile even harder when I realise how well people know me.

Over the last couple of days, I've received champagne, chocolates and cakes. 

And yes, most of it all has gone already - LOL!

Naturally, I've been reflecting back on the last decade....and all I can think is WOAH. 

But that's a whole other entry!

I just wanted to say THANK YOU.



Wednesday 22 May 2013


Honestly, so much drama - I really can't be arsed with it!!!

I just wish more people would check themselves before bringing drama to my door....I mean seriously, I'm only going to react in one way.

If you don't TELL me something, how the hell am I supposed to know?! Do I have some kinda psychic power someone forgot to tell me about? 

And then to have the cheek to turn around and tell me that it's MY fault because I didn't ask?!


Some people are lucky they don't get the back of my hand.

If you're gonna do something, BE SMART.

Sometimes I'm gobsmacked at the incompetence I'm seem to find myself surrounded by.

Take your **** elsewhere.


Sunday 19 May 2013

Ohhhhh Yeaaahhhhh

I've just gotten in from the Jamaican Festival in Yoyogi-koen.

Man, no joke, I had a BLINDING time!!!

Firstly, I'd forgotten what it was like to be genuinely hit on so much. It doesn't happen a lot when you go out in Japan normally, but being a light skinned girl surrounded by black men....it's coming from every direction!

Free food, free drinks ALL DAY for me and my friends.....I just lapped it all up!!!!

It was just nice for ONCE to be appreciated for having curves, for not being a tiny, skinny Japanese girl and to be surrounded my men who understood what it was like to be a woman of colour in this country. I'm not going to lie, I was spolit ROTTEN and the best thing was seeing that extended to my friends - whether they were white, black or Japanese.

Ragga, dancehall, bashment, reggae - it was all there along with the jerk chicken, rice and beans, goat and pepper soup and festivals. I stuffed my face and drank until I got into a fabulously tipsy state. It was just the perfect way to spend my Sunday afternoon.

But I won't lie. The highlight? The MEN.

Gorgeous choclate and caramel species everywhere I looked...hell yeah, I'm going to take advantage of that!!!! I've always been a sucker for my light skinned island boys and to have so many in one place was heaven for me!!!!! The compliments flew from every direction and all it took was a sweet smile to get me and my friends (men and women) taken care of.

I also had such a fantastic time with the kids. Meeting so many half black, half Japanese children - my goodness, they were GORGEOUS!!!! I was absolutely fixated on this one girl who was just so stunning, I wanted to take her home with me!!!! She had a little attitude which killed me so many times, but especially when this guy went to touch may hair, she slapped his hand away and was like "DON'T touch her hair!". She was 9 years old. She even asked her parents if I could go home with her and they said yes! LOL!! She was so unbelievably precious, I just melted being around her.

I also got to catch up with my dear friends from Saitama and Kyoto which just made it all even better. It's funny because I just loved seeing Japanese people enjoy this music, this food, this culture, but at any other time, you would see them avoid black people like the plague! Weird, huh?

Blinding Sunday. I had the most amazing time.


Wednesday 15 May 2013

It's Hiding!!

I had an awesome aqua class at the gym today.

I've been really good and managed to keep up with going once a week. I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but it's a good step for my lazy arse!

Actually, I'm starting to notice a bit of toning going on! Only a tiny bit mind you, but it made me smile . I'm not trying to lose weight, I'm just trying to get fit and fabulously toned.

I think it's something to do with turning 30 that has made me think about fitness and wellfare. Not dieting - I don't believe in diets and even if I did, I wouldn't be able to do one anyway, but I have been thinking about starting to work on mental fitness and spiritual wellbeing. It sounds great when I write it down, but whether I'll actually be able to do it is another thing.

I'm kinda thinking about going on a beginner's yoga retreat. I tried yoga once and was less than impressed, but given how hectic Tokyo life can be, I think it would be fantastic to have the ability to just empty your mind and just...relax! I wanna got o a retreat, just once, to see what it's like. Naturally it would have to be in Indonesia, or India or Nepal or somewhere like that. Financially, Indonesia is the best choice.

Just the idea makes me smile. Now I need to actually work on making it a reality! I swear, I've got so many plans for this year - it's hard to filter through which ones to do first! 

I'm trying not to go too crazy this month with going out and stuff - it's resident tax month next month and I don't wann aget caught out - especially with my birthday celebrations going on.

Exciting times!


Tuesday 7 May 2013

The Sun Is Shining...And So Is My Mood!

How absolutely fantastic has the weather been over the last few days?

Even though I chose to work all over GW and I'm feeling kinda tired, I haven't been able to keep the smile off my face!

This year I promised myself I would ease back on the travel and focus on saving money. I haven't been anywhere since I came back from New Zealand and to be honest, I haven't made much progress on saving a lot of money!! I've had to send loads back to the UK to cover student loan repayments so I don't really feel like it's going anywhere! 

Sooo.....naturally itchy feet prevail and this year has suddenly turned into mammoth possibilities for travel! Not even just this year - next year I have decided that I'm FINALLY going to fulfill my dream of going to India. And not just for a couple of weeks - I wanna do it properly and go for a month - 3 weeks at the absolute minimum and the trip MUST 100% include Goa. 

How exciting!

I haven't forgotten about my DELTA plans. I'm still seriosuly torn between Istanbul and Thailand. Every part of me wants to go back to Thailand - ease, expense, proximity to Japan - but the other half of me knows that it would be better to go somewhere new. I have a Turkish friend, so I'm going to grill him about accommodation and living costs and then make my final descision at the end  of June.

And on top of all of that, I'm starting to get really excited about my birthday! I feel quite positive about entering a new decade!!! I've had a cracking decade - my 20s have been absolutely amazing, full of wonderful experiences and wonderful people and it's just all good!

I just hope this weather continues because it's having a wonderful influence on my mood!
