“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 7 May 2013

The Sun Is Shining...And So Is My Mood!

How absolutely fantastic has the weather been over the last few days?

Even though I chose to work all over GW and I'm feeling kinda tired, I haven't been able to keep the smile off my face!

This year I promised myself I would ease back on the travel and focus on saving money. I haven't been anywhere since I came back from New Zealand and to be honest, I haven't made much progress on saving a lot of money!! I've had to send loads back to the UK to cover student loan repayments so I don't really feel like it's going anywhere! 

Sooo.....naturally itchy feet prevail and this year has suddenly turned into mammoth possibilities for travel! Not even just this year - next year I have decided that I'm FINALLY going to fulfill my dream of going to India. And not just for a couple of weeks - I wanna do it properly and go for a month - 3 weeks at the absolute minimum and the trip MUST 100% include Goa. 

How exciting!

I haven't forgotten about my DELTA plans. I'm still seriosuly torn between Istanbul and Thailand. Every part of me wants to go back to Thailand - ease, expense, proximity to Japan - but the other half of me knows that it would be better to go somewhere new. I have a Turkish friend, so I'm going to grill him about accommodation and living costs and then make my final descision at the end  of June.

And on top of all of that, I'm starting to get really excited about my birthday! I feel quite positive about entering a new decade!!! I've had a cracking decade - my 20s have been absolutely amazing, full of wonderful experiences and wonderful people and it's just all good!

I just hope this weather continues because it's having a wonderful influence on my mood!


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