“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 29 September 2013

Autumn is here

Can you believe it's nearly October already?

Before I know it, I'm going to off on a plane back to London!!

More importantly, Grey's Anatomy is back on!

I remember the finale of the last season - it left me practically hyperventilating, I was so shocked.

The first double episode of the new season does not disappoint. But if you haven't seen it already - make sure you have your tissues handy!

I swear that show leaves me in a world of pain! I literally balled my way through it and I was just exhausted by the time that it had ended. It's without a doubt, the biggest emotional rollercoaster on TV.

Some of those difficult relationships...I think everyone can relate to them.

I dunno.....there are a million different things going on right now and I can't even tell you about them.....not yet anyway.

Everything is so damn frustrating right now!!! I've decided to try and catch up with friends through October so that I can try and take my mind of all the craziness that I've somehow managed to find myself right in the middle of. I honestly wish that I had the strength to walk away from some stuff, but when you find yourself literally bang in the middle of something, it becomes much, much harder. And you don't want to.

I FINALLY got back in the studio today for my first step class in........goodness, I don't even know how long! It was great - worked up a sweat, felt some stress release and for those 40 minutes, I got to focus on nothing but step. And music. And looking in the mirror and realising how much weight I've put on! LOL!

And before you start, NO, I don't think I'm fat. Just a little bigger than I was, say, 6 months ago! Not that I should complain - it's gone in the right places! (^_-)

Here's to a much healthier October!


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