“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 30 August 2010


I'm so glad August is nearly over.

Although it may have been the hottest summer I've experienced in Japan, I have dealt with it a billion times better than the last 2 years.

What a difference it makes working in an air conditioned office instead of sweltering in a classroom.

Although I am still sweating my arse off at home - I want to use the air con as little as possible - not only because it messes with my throat, but because I'm scared of what my friend told me about cockroaches getting in. Yuk!

I can't believe it's September already! Time just flies something stupid.

But things are just getting better and better so I can't complain. Even if I am knackered all the time.


Friday 27 August 2010

Miss Pathetic!

Don't jump to conclusions - I'm talking about me!!!!


I got home from work today and when I turned on the bathroom light, there was a cockroach RIGHT THERE.

You know I'm crap with bugs.

Like really crap.

Out came the girly squeal and the ghastly thing ran under the cabinet. I ran upstairs desperate to find some bug spray...and made do with furniture cleaner instead!!

But it didn't work.

Man, those things move FAST!! And every time the thing moved, I just screamed and broke out into a horrific sweat. I knew I wouldn't be able to go to sleep knowing that it was there so I called a friend to help me.

I know, I know and I admit it - I'm just a pathetic girl when it comes to these things!

It took my friend less than 5 minutes to get over here armed with bug spray and a shoe. She and her friend barely flinched as they killed the thing while I was hiding on the staircase in case it came running out. I'm never convinced they're really dead so they took it outside - I didn't want it anywhere near my house.

God, I'm so grateful.

I have no idea why I'm so bad with bugs. I was absolutely mortified when my friend told me that cockroaches get in through the air conditioning - OMG!!! I'm so scared to have it on now! I always wondered how they managed to get in.

Talk about being paranoid! Think I might just grin and bear the heat! I'm scared a cockroach is gonna come and fall out on my head!

Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it!


Why do these horrid things exist?!


Wednesday 18 August 2010


I am getting seriously good at keeping my mouth shut.

I read a friend's note on FB and I just couldn't stop cringing with how pathetic she was making herself sound. I was wondering if she even read back over what she wrote...she can't of done, otherwise she would had realised how self absorbed, petty and immature she sounds.

I started to write her a message telling her that it would be in her own interests to take it down because she doesn't realise how it reads to other people and that she is also blindly unaware that the person who she was bitching about was actually 100% right in her reaction. Then i just deleted it all.

Why bother getting involved in other people's drama?!

F*** it!!!

It's just easier to keep your opinions to yourself sometimes. Even though it kills me to see someone being so "me, me, me" in the worst possible pathetic way.

Some people eh?


Tuesday 17 August 2010

A Lie In?

OMG I am so looking forward to having a lie in tomorrow.

If sleeping until 8.30am counts as a lie in.

I'm really curious to see what time I would naturally wake up but I really need to get my lazy arse to the gym, so I have to set an alarm. I haven't been for like a week and my laziness over the last 3 months is BADLY showing - in the form of a gut.


I was sitting at work today, wearing a belt and I just had this mammoth roll sticking out from under it! I couldn't believe my eyes! If ever I need motivation to get to the gym, that was definitely it.


Sunday 15 August 2010


OMG!! I'm going crazy!!!

What to do!!!!

I can't!!!

I won't!!!


But OMG HOOOOOWWWW much do I want to!??!!?


Tuesday 10 August 2010


Man, I really need to get off my lazy arse and start cooking again.

I honestly don't remember the last time I ate a vegetable.

Don't turn it dirty! :P

Seriously though, my diet is absolutely shocking! I eat so many cakes and loads of fast food - it's so unhealthy, yet I feel way to lazy to actualyl do anything about it!

That will all change tomorrow! I WILL go to the supermarket after I've been to the gym. That's just reminded me - I need to send off my passport to be renewed as well. All this stuff that I just keep putting off....*sigh*

That's the downside of being busy all of the time.


Monday 9 August 2010

I Did It!!!!

It might have taken a year....and I might be working my arse off....




And the thing is, I don't even mind being this busy. I get to meet new people every day and even better, I actually learn something new!

In a good spot right now!



Wednesday 4 August 2010

Happy Anniversary!

I have been in Japan exactly 3 years.

3 years!

I can't believe how fast time goes. And how old I'm getting!

I never really had a plan before I came here of how long I would stay. I had just always said that I would move to Tokyo after 2 years of living in Saga and then just see what happens.

Things are moving along so great now that it's impossible for me to tell you how long I will be here...or where I will be next!

How exciting!


Monday 2 August 2010


Today has been mad, busy crazy.

When I checked my schedule last night, I thought that I would only have 6 classes this morning.

When I got into work, I saw that I had a whopping 10 classes in a row! First thing on a Monday morning >_<. Definitely not what I was expecting but coz I went to bed at some stupid early time last night, I didn't find it too bad. Although I definitely won't be doing it again.

Then after work I had to come home and prepare for my private lesson, sort out some bills and now I'm off to the gym. I really can't be arsed to go but I think I'll just do one lesson instead of my normal 2 and then come back and crash. You always sleep so well after you've worked out, so that's why I wanna go.

Busy, busy. I can't wait until my day off on Wednesday!


Sunday 1 August 2010


Man, I can't believe it's Sunday again already!

The week always feels like it's going so slowly, and then BAM!! Another weekend's over and before you know it, it's Monday again.

I had a great night last night. It wasn't anything major - my boy was up from Kyushu, so we went out for dinner and then hit up my fave reggae joint for a couple of beers and a couple of rounds of darts.

I AM the darts queen!!!! LOL!!!

Whooped both my friends' arses last night! What a smug, satisfying feeling. Hehe!

Gearing up for another busy month at work, but it will be nice to see some results come pay day at the end of the month for all the hard work over July. So many people are on holiday right now, so the bookings are coming thick and fast, but I'm worried that once those people come back, it's gonna be slow again. We'll see. The only thing I'm concerned about is losing the cash!

Ready for some fantabulous news?!?!


LOL - not what you were expecting right?!


But seriously...

