“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 1 August 2010


Man, I can't believe it's Sunday again already!

The week always feels like it's going so slowly, and then BAM!! Another weekend's over and before you know it, it's Monday again.

I had a great night last night. It wasn't anything major - my boy was up from Kyushu, so we went out for dinner and then hit up my fave reggae joint for a couple of beers and a couple of rounds of darts.

I AM the darts queen!!!! LOL!!!

Whooped both my friends' arses last night! What a smug, satisfying feeling. Hehe!

Gearing up for another busy month at work, but it will be nice to see some results come pay day at the end of the month for all the hard work over July. So many people are on holiday right now, so the bookings are coming thick and fast, but I'm worried that once those people come back, it's gonna be slow again. We'll see. The only thing I'm concerned about is losing the cash!

Ready for some fantabulous news?!?!


LOL - not what you were expecting right?!


But seriously...



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