“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 29 May 2011

Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who came out last night to celebrate my birthday with me!

Another legendary one to add to the collection! =)

I got a wonderful reminder last night....I really am surrounded by some truly, amazing, AMAZING people. A little trip down memory lane reminded me just HOW important my friends are in my life - from the friends I met 4 years ago when I first moved here, to more recently made friends.

I really do have nothing but love and respect for you all. Just the fact that you came out to celebrate with me last night means so much and I really appreciate you all taking the time to do so. I'm looking forward to more fabulous times ahead with you guys and thank you all for the gifts and birthday wishes.

Still a couple more birthday celebrations to go! On my actual birthday on Wednesday, I will be spending the day with my best J-friend, Yuka-chan. She has been an absolute diamond since I moved to Tokyo and I'm really touched that she is taking the day off work to spend my birthday with me.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

I love you.


Tuesday 24 May 2011

How Retarded!

I just got back from a ghastly trip to the estate agents.

I told them when I made the appointment that I didn't have enough Japanese vocabulary for this kind of situation and asked them to speak slowly and use easier words so that I would be able to understand.
They were completely fine about it until....

....they found out that I didn't have a Japanese guarantor.

From that point on, they sped up and I was just like WTF?!?!? I've asked a few people I already know and they've said no. Understandably, my Japanese trustees in Kyushu don't want to attach their name onto a property on the other side of the country. One woman was a little more honest about her reason - she told me that she doesn't want to take the risk on a foreigner because of the amount of gaijin that legged it after the earthquake. Even though I didn't leave, she doesn't feel comfortable with it. Fair enough. The couple of people I asked in Tokyo had to say no because...well...I earn more than one of them and the other doesn't work - she's just filthy rich. The conditions for being a guarantor are pretty strict - you have to be earning at least as much as I do to be eligibile. Even if you're stinking rich, if you aren't working you can't do it.

I told the agent that I would use a guarantor company. And now comes the retarded part. They have this rule at the company that if you use a guarantor company, you need a guarantor as well. WTF?!??!?!?!?!?!!? I was so shocked I had to clarify a billion times. And then I just started getting pissed - I mean, seriously, if I HAD a guarantor, then why the hell would I be using a guarantor company in the first place!? What about people that come to Japan and no absolutely no one - what are they supposed to do? Apparently they wouldn't be able to rent my property. It's some weird condition attached oto my place. They started offering me other places which just pissed me off even more.

I got them to speak to my friend to check that I had understood it right. They're gonna contact the owners directly and ask them if they would be willing to draw up a contract without the guarantor. I hate dealing with middle men - such attitudes I wanna slap them! My absolute last resort will have to be a foreigner with a permanent residence visa. I do know someone, but it pains me to ask. All these taking over the lease has turned out to be nothing but a pain in the arse. If I didn't love my house so much and if it wasn't so awesome, I would just say f*** it and find another place to live.

I think I might start having a peek around, just to be on the safe side. What a whole load of bull****! It's been just one thing after another recently and time is slowly running out. I'll be off to the UK in a month and need to get everything sorted by then. I do have someone coming to look at the place tonight - I'm hoping that he falls in love with it and then I can try and get him to put up the guarantor instead - which would be his company seeing as he's just moved here. Sneaky sneaky.


Sunday 22 May 2011

Outstanding Talented Woman

There is nothing more flattering than a true, genuine compliment from another woman.

I saw in an email thread, that I was referred to along with someone else as an "outstanding, talented woman". What was even more flattering than that, was that the compliment came from an outstanding, talent woman herself.


Really looking forward to hanging out with friends over the next couple of weeks. It's bit a bit of a tough week at work - everything always happens at the same time ne.


Saturday 21 May 2011

Just When You Thought It MAY Be Over

Yesterday morning, I woke up thinking how I hadn't felt an earthquake for a good few weeks and I was actually wondering whether it may be, just may be over.

And then I went and felt 3 earthquakes yesterday.


It's really weird how that happens right? Just another reminder of the mess that this country is in right now.

I'm starting to look more and more into volunteer programs for the summer. Not only do I genuinely wanna help, I'm really wanna get a first hand look at what it's like in Tohoku. It might sound a bit sick to some, but I've never experienced anything like this before and I want to go and see what it's like for myself.

There are so many volunteer programs out there now, it's kinda hard to decide where you can help the most. There's programs for helping to clean up rivers and streets, but to be honest, I seem to have a massive interest in sifting through the rubbling and returning personal possessions to their rightful owners. I can only imagine how rewarding it would feel to give back a tiny part of someone's life. These people have lost EVERYTHING - I can't work out if seeing something familiar, no matter how small would be a comfort to them or make them feel worse.

Either way, I'm defintiely looking into it. The problem again is whether I can realistically afford to take the time off work. Sadly not, but this is important. Plus I have the ultimate motive of wanting to escape what it going to be an horrific summer in the concrete jungle. I may as well do some good with the time.

On a completely different note, I sooooo nearly ****** up tonight. Really badly. You know when someone gives you a tidbit of gossip and then not the details? I nearly exhanged a scandalous secret in return for that information. Luckily for me, the other person wasn't going to share the details and then I worked out that the secrect was nowhere near as juicy as mine, so I let it go. Defintiely for the best - it's something I need to take to the grave! HAHA!


Thursday 19 May 2011


I'm having one of those moments when you're kinda like wondering what the hell you're doing in a job which.....

......isn't really taking you where you want to be, I guess.

You know when you hit that point where you just feel like you're dealing with a whole load of ungrateful ******, who cuss you out and slam you down, even though you are bending over backwards and trying your best to help them? When you ask them what they want and they don't take the initiative to tell you and voice their dissatisfaction through complaining about things they don't have the right to complain about in the first place?

Yah - I'm there.

I really miss my regular clients. I miss stimulating conversation. Obviously it's not EVERYONE. I have met some truly inspiring and wonderful people, but at the end of the day, is it enough? I'm not sure that it is when the crappy things seem to be outweighing the good things more and more. I really hope that I can try and put this down to a ****** month and it's not something bigger. All I know is that I'm feeling...disgruntled....dissatisfied. I need MORE. I'm bored. I don't get to shine. I barely have to use my brain...well, not this month anyway seeing as the extent of the conversation rarely moves past talking about things that people like and dislike. YAWN.

If it was a viable option, I would totally devote myself to studying, completely cut back on my hours and work part time. For a while I really shoved myself into it, thinking that maybe I would be able to take things further, to develop more, but the truth is as time goes on, I really don't see a chance for that to happen. Unfortunately, given the circumstances of all the crazy stuff that is going on in my life right now, I really don't have a choice but to work my arse off to try and get some money put aside for the insane financial dire that I'm probably going to find myself in until at least mid-end of autumn.


Which is actually really annoying. I was talking to my friend last weekend and she just turned around to me and told me that I just need to hurry up and achieve my goal. I needed to hear it because I DO have a goal but the necessity to work as much as I am is definitely slowly down the progress because it means that I can't 100% devote myself to it. Which I really wanna do. Definitely not gonna happen though so I know that I have to just stick it out and try and make the best of it.

Easier said than done when your efforts are being thrown back into your face on a daily basis.

Really need to create some more entertainment for myself - amazing how quickly things can change.


Monday 16 May 2011

Take That!

I've spent the last couple of days with a ghastly wretched cold.

I'm not convinced that it's completely gona away but I'm crossing my fingers that I've managed to kick its arse because I'm feeling much better today.

As I'm spending my time recovering from post holiday blues, the daunting reality of how much crap I have to sort out before my flatmate moves out is creeping up on me. The worst part is that I have a hectic schedule with work, I'm trying to plan something for my birthday and I'm going back to the UK at the end of next month isn't leaving me the time I need to sort everything out at my own pace.

Changing the lease over is proving to be a bigger pain in the arse than I originally thought it would be. Whatever happened to the days when a change of details form would suffice?! Not in this country it won't! I have to make an appointment at the estate agents and go in and fill out a whole load of crap for a credit check. Which I also have to pay for! The audacity!!!! I don't care if the cost is only 1% of the rent! If the company want to carry out a credit check, then they should pay for it themselves! Honestly, this country really does try and squeeze every last penny outta you! Working 7 days a week, I have no idea when I am going to find the time to go in and do this, let alone find another flatmate, get the place all cleaned up AND move all my stuff upstairs.


On top of that (and no surprise really), my flatmate has told me that he wants to sell the TV and surround sound. Those of you who have seen my gorgeous place know that a piddly TV will look absolutely ridiculous in my lounge so I'm going to buy the TV and the surround sound off him. What's the damage? I haven't got a clue yet. Which means I have to say goodbye to the new Gucci tote that I was planning to buy myself for my birthday =(.

And to add to that, I got a letter from the Pension office - I've managed to avoid paying into the pension for 2 years now but I don't think I have any more excuses to get myself exempt for another year. So I'm going to have to start paying that from the summer as well. Definitely not the best time to be taking 3 weeks UNPAID off work. Gonna sting like a biatch!!


All this lot is gonna do is add to my ever increasing number of grey hairs!!!

If anyone knows anyone looking for a room, then please hit me up ASAP! I need to get someone sorted before I leave for the UK at the end of next month. This is so not gonna be fun. =(

Doh! And I've just realised that I haven't done my homework for my Japanese class tomorrow morning. Way too tired to even think about writing a report now, so I'm gonna have to get up early tomorrow to do that. ARGH!


Wednesday 11 May 2011

Ghastly, Ghastly....


What a welcome back to the concrete jungle! Cloudy, grey skies and pouring rain - how depressing!!

I was actually looking forward to coming back to Tokyo when I was in Bali. But now that's gone right out the window and I'm wishing that I had had a couple of extra days just to wind down even more.


On a plus note, the whiteness of everyone in Tokyo is making me look even browner than I actually am! Hehe!


Tuesday 10 May 2011


After 2 weeks in Indonesia, I'm back in Tokyo.

How do I feel?

The holiday was definitely relaxing but I am so far from feeling rested it's unbelievable. And it didn't help having a mammoth last night out and travelling with a hangover.....especially in that heat.

I can't believe how much Bali has changed since I went there a couple of years ago. It truly has become Aussies Abroad......actually let me rephrase...Aussie KIDS abroad!!! So many young students nipping over during their spring break that even the locals have adopted Aussie accents and dumbass names like "G'day". Seriously?!

The amount of traffic on the road was absolutely shocking. A couple of years ago, you could have a nice stroll along the path, browsing the shops with a little aggro to buy stuff but nothing unbearable, you know. Now it's a constant battle to dodge the crazy amount of scooters on the road and the hassle has escalated to a point where you just wanna start punching people. Luckily for us, we learnt a few Indonesian words and expressions to avoid that kinda shit, which actually proved really effective in the end. The minute we busted out "I don't want to buy it" or "I have no money" in Balinese, the person would put their head down and immediately back off. Nice.

This time round, we made it to the Gili Islands in Lombok. Not going there last time was a mammoth regret but I can't lie - I was really disappointed. Don't get me wrong, it was absolutely gorgeous, but I think I had it hyped up way to much in my head and it was beautiful and I had a good time but something was missing. Not to mention the killer mosquitoes which drove me absolutely insane. I was covered with about 20 bites by the time we left there.

So many pictures to show you guys! All in good time ne.
