“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 21 May 2011

Just When You Thought It MAY Be Over

Yesterday morning, I woke up thinking how I hadn't felt an earthquake for a good few weeks and I was actually wondering whether it may be, just may be over.

And then I went and felt 3 earthquakes yesterday.


It's really weird how that happens right? Just another reminder of the mess that this country is in right now.

I'm starting to look more and more into volunteer programs for the summer. Not only do I genuinely wanna help, I'm really wanna get a first hand look at what it's like in Tohoku. It might sound a bit sick to some, but I've never experienced anything like this before and I want to go and see what it's like for myself.

There are so many volunteer programs out there now, it's kinda hard to decide where you can help the most. There's programs for helping to clean up rivers and streets, but to be honest, I seem to have a massive interest in sifting through the rubbling and returning personal possessions to their rightful owners. I can only imagine how rewarding it would feel to give back a tiny part of someone's life. These people have lost EVERYTHING - I can't work out if seeing something familiar, no matter how small would be a comfort to them or make them feel worse.

Either way, I'm defintiely looking into it. The problem again is whether I can realistically afford to take the time off work. Sadly not, but this is important. Plus I have the ultimate motive of wanting to escape what it going to be an horrific summer in the concrete jungle. I may as well do some good with the time.

On a completely different note, I sooooo nearly ****** up tonight. Really badly. You know when someone gives you a tidbit of gossip and then not the details? I nearly exhanged a scandalous secret in return for that information. Luckily for me, the other person wasn't going to share the details and then I worked out that the secrect was nowhere near as juicy as mine, so I let it go. Defintiely for the best - it's something I need to take to the grave! HAHA!


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