“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 16 May 2011

Take That!

I've spent the last couple of days with a ghastly wretched cold.

I'm not convinced that it's completely gona away but I'm crossing my fingers that I've managed to kick its arse because I'm feeling much better today.

As I'm spending my time recovering from post holiday blues, the daunting reality of how much crap I have to sort out before my flatmate moves out is creeping up on me. The worst part is that I have a hectic schedule with work, I'm trying to plan something for my birthday and I'm going back to the UK at the end of next month isn't leaving me the time I need to sort everything out at my own pace.

Changing the lease over is proving to be a bigger pain in the arse than I originally thought it would be. Whatever happened to the days when a change of details form would suffice?! Not in this country it won't! I have to make an appointment at the estate agents and go in and fill out a whole load of crap for a credit check. Which I also have to pay for! The audacity!!!! I don't care if the cost is only 1% of the rent! If the company want to carry out a credit check, then they should pay for it themselves! Honestly, this country really does try and squeeze every last penny outta you! Working 7 days a week, I have no idea when I am going to find the time to go in and do this, let alone find another flatmate, get the place all cleaned up AND move all my stuff upstairs.


On top of that (and no surprise really), my flatmate has told me that he wants to sell the TV and surround sound. Those of you who have seen my gorgeous place know that a piddly TV will look absolutely ridiculous in my lounge so I'm going to buy the TV and the surround sound off him. What's the damage? I haven't got a clue yet. Which means I have to say goodbye to the new Gucci tote that I was planning to buy myself for my birthday =(.

And to add to that, I got a letter from the Pension office - I've managed to avoid paying into the pension for 2 years now but I don't think I have any more excuses to get myself exempt for another year. So I'm going to have to start paying that from the summer as well. Definitely not the best time to be taking 3 weeks UNPAID off work. Gonna sting like a biatch!!


All this lot is gonna do is add to my ever increasing number of grey hairs!!!

If anyone knows anyone looking for a room, then please hit me up ASAP! I need to get someone sorted before I leave for the UK at the end of next month. This is so not gonna be fun. =(

Doh! And I've just realised that I haven't done my homework for my Japanese class tomorrow morning. Way too tired to even think about writing a report now, so I'm gonna have to get up early tomorrow to do that. ARGH!


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