“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 24 May 2011

How Retarded!

I just got back from a ghastly trip to the estate agents.

I told them when I made the appointment that I didn't have enough Japanese vocabulary for this kind of situation and asked them to speak slowly and use easier words so that I would be able to understand.
They were completely fine about it until....

....they found out that I didn't have a Japanese guarantor.

From that point on, they sped up and I was just like WTF?!?!? I've asked a few people I already know and they've said no. Understandably, my Japanese trustees in Kyushu don't want to attach their name onto a property on the other side of the country. One woman was a little more honest about her reason - she told me that she doesn't want to take the risk on a foreigner because of the amount of gaijin that legged it after the earthquake. Even though I didn't leave, she doesn't feel comfortable with it. Fair enough. The couple of people I asked in Tokyo had to say no because...well...I earn more than one of them and the other doesn't work - she's just filthy rich. The conditions for being a guarantor are pretty strict - you have to be earning at least as much as I do to be eligibile. Even if you're stinking rich, if you aren't working you can't do it.

I told the agent that I would use a guarantor company. And now comes the retarded part. They have this rule at the company that if you use a guarantor company, you need a guarantor as well. WTF?!??!?!?!?!?!!? I was so shocked I had to clarify a billion times. And then I just started getting pissed - I mean, seriously, if I HAD a guarantor, then why the hell would I be using a guarantor company in the first place!? What about people that come to Japan and no absolutely no one - what are they supposed to do? Apparently they wouldn't be able to rent my property. It's some weird condition attached oto my place. They started offering me other places which just pissed me off even more.

I got them to speak to my friend to check that I had understood it right. They're gonna contact the owners directly and ask them if they would be willing to draw up a contract without the guarantor. I hate dealing with middle men - such attitudes I wanna slap them! My absolute last resort will have to be a foreigner with a permanent residence visa. I do know someone, but it pains me to ask. All these taking over the lease has turned out to be nothing but a pain in the arse. If I didn't love my house so much and if it wasn't so awesome, I would just say f*** it and find another place to live.

I think I might start having a peek around, just to be on the safe side. What a whole load of bull****! It's been just one thing after another recently and time is slowly running out. I'll be off to the UK in a month and need to get everything sorted by then. I do have someone coming to look at the place tonight - I'm hoping that he falls in love with it and then I can try and get him to put up the guarantor instead - which would be his company seeing as he's just moved here. Sneaky sneaky.


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