“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 17 November 2012


OMG I am soooo disappointed with the winner of this cycle of ANTM!!!!

Don't get me wrong - I was a HUGE Laura fan in the beginning. She's absolutely stunning and just looked amazing. But ever since she went all "Team Kristen" and turned on Leila, she just became this horrible, bratty bitch.

I was rooting for Kiara. I was the opposite with her - hated her and all her attitude in the beginning, but that girl has developed and grown so much and by the end she was my fave and seemed to have gotten absolutely STUNNING!!! That waterfall shoot anyone?! Damn girl!!!

There's no doubt that Leila is the best model but she can't walk for s***. I was gutted for her when she fell in the final runway show. I would've been happy if she'd won, just because I really don't think that Laura deserved it as much.

Spoilt rich girl....of course, even rich girls have dreams too, but it would have just been that much more special for Kiara to have won. Everyone LOVES a rags-to-riches story. And she showed that she has a heart of gold and a wonderful personality.

Such a shame.

I'm sure she'll go on to do really well in the future though

Do you know what, I was thinking about ANTM this week when I was in the hairdressers. You know when they have the makeovers and you always get the girls who go insane when their hair is cut too short? I always thought they were ridiculous - I mean hair grows back, it can't be that big of a deal, right?


I showed my hairdresser a pic of how I had my hair cut back when I went to England in the summer. A sweeping gradual side fringe, starting from just below the eyebrow. My hairdresser was all confidence and smiles as he asked me to trust him.

What a mistake that was.

He was standing in front of me so I didn't have a clear view in the mirror. I heard a snip and then I felt my hair fall against my forehead...

,,,ABOVE my eyebrows!!!!

I pushed him out of the way and was absolutely mortified at how short he had cut my fringe. My hair has a natural wave and even though the roots are straight, there's no way I can carry off this ridiculous fringe. As I shouted at him to fix it, he kept cutting and cutting and cutting and I was just holding my head in my hands telling him how much I hated it.

He kept trying to fix it and then when I eventually had the courage to look in the mirror again, it happened.


I NEVER thought I would be one of those girls that cried about hair. But it looks so AWFUL and completely changes the way I look. I absolutely HATE it.

I think my hissy fit lasted for about 10-15 minutes before I demanded that he give me some vlips and I clipped the fringe back and had to go back into work.


The problem is now that I'm gonna have to clip the whole thing back until it at least grows back past my eyebrow. And then I'm going to have a nightmare styling it anyway coz it's a strange shape and just looks ghastly. I washed my hair this morning and normally I would just be able to leave the house with wet hair and let it dry naturally, but because the fringe is so damn shorts, it looks ridiuclous so I had to blow dry it. And then it looked even weirder having this dead straight fringe and gentle waves so I had to blow dry the whole lot straight.

I don't mind wearing my hair straight - it just requires a whole extra load of maintenance...like brushing!!! HAHAHA!

it's interesting though coz my hair has gotten CRAZY long. I had no idea until I blow dried ti out just how long it is. Another inch and it's gonna be past my boobs! YAY!! I've been trying to grow it this long for ages, but now I'm thinking about getting it cut. Not for a while though - I love how ultra feminine having super long hair feels. And it keeps me looking young as well!! Always a bonus.

Rant over - I'm going to bed!


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