“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 27 November 2012


This Thanksgiving weekend was certainly eventful!!

I was absolutely knackered on Friday. I struggled my way through work and then had to leg it home to meet my girl who came up from Nagoya. After chilling out for a bit and baking brownies, I called it a night and passed out.

I woke up on Saturday as sick as a dog. The second I opened my eyes, I was overcome by a wave of nausea and started throwing up.


I haven't been sick ALL YEAR. All year. And then the one day that I do get sick has to be the day that I was due to host a Thanksgiving dinner and my girl was here.

WHY? Sod's law. 

My girl was amazing. While I was dying in bed and with my head sporadically down the toilet, I gave her a shopping list and she headed out to the supermarket to get the stuff we needed for dinner while I rested up in bed. She helped me clean and then we started cooking.

So what was on the menu?

  • Brushchetta
  • Pumpkin soup
  • Chips and dip and a bean salad brought over by my friends
  • Roast chicken
  • Sweet potato and white potato mash
  • Garlic sauteed green beans
  • Carrots
  • Broccolli
  • Stuffing
  • Gravy
  • Pumpkin pie
  • Brownies
  • Copious amounts of wine
Nom, nom, nom!

I was so impressed with my pie!!!! The pastry was a little thin but it tasted absolutely delicious - not bad for a first attempt! There is no way I could've got everything done without my fabulous ladies though. They helped me get everything chopped and prepped so I could just go ahead and cook it all. It was so nice to see all my guests enjoy their meal - I barely ate a mouthful and was drinking water all night, but they had a good time.

And I finally attempted a plate of leftovers on Sunday while watching Breaking Dawn Part 2.

A little disappointed with some of the cringeworthy moments in that movie but I still enjoyed it!!

After mooching around, we headed out to Midtown to see the Christmas lights. Absolutely beautiful - I'd been in a festive mood all day because I'd boiled down the chicken bones to make a stock and my kitchen smelled AMAZING!!! So seeing the lights just made me excited to go back to the UK for Christmas next year. LOL - only I could be that excited about a trip that I'm planning to take a year from now!

Another spot of good news - when we were heading back to Roppongi station, I met a very fine specimen crossing the road. It was one of those typical moments when you're both looking around at each other shamelessly! HAHAHA! When I turned around again, he was running back across the road to talk to me, opened with a hilarious one liner and it was all good from there!

I've had the most disastrous dates over the last few months so I just cut to the chase.

Seeing someone?
Living with someone?

LOL!!!!! And all came back with very positive answers!!!

The rare thing about this guy?


As in on the phone. No mail.

I can't remember the last time a guy called me just to talk to me. On the phone that is - I'm on Skype all the time. It feels weird but refreshing at the same time. 

And even better?

Man, this boy CRACKS ME UP!!!!


We'll see.


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