“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 22 April 2013

A Different Sunday

So last night my friend invited me to a gokon.

I think the group was supposed to be much bigger, but we all know the weather yesterday was nothing short of ghastly and people pulled out left, right and centre. I was considering doing the same, but I haven't seen my girl for ages, so even though I was knackered after work, I decided to put on a dress and go.

When I got to Ebisu station, my friend was full of apologies. She was apologising over and over and over again. She had told me that it was a kind of VIP party but I think the guys that she was expecting to show up were a little bit different! LOL!

Yep - imagine my surprise when I walked in to see two guys in their fifties sitting at the table! DOH! I decided to just kick back and enjoy the food. We were at this beauitful yakiniku restaurant and the cuts of meat on the table were stunning and absolutely delicious.

I actually had a really good time! These two guys were boxing promoters and sponsors and so interesting! Incredibly well tavelled and with a network that most people could only dream of, I didn't hesitate to hand over my details when they asked me to attend some VIP events that are coming up this summer. I'm not sure how "convenient" it was that one of them had a picture of himself and DON EFFING KING on his smartphone. Are you kidding me? Don King?! Only one of the most legendary boxing promoters EVER!!! I'm not heavily into boxing, I don't exactly have a lively interest in it, but I was still impressed. Not that I told him that - he was a little too arrogant and smug for my liking.

Not only that, this guy spoke Spanish, could understand Portuguese, has 2 houses in Tokyo, one in Fukushima, Yamagata, 2 in Panama and has family in none other than Belo Horizonte in Brazil! The same place I went to uni when I was 21. Unbelievable! He also seemed to have a strong penchant for mixed latinas, but I don't think he;s ever been dumb enough to make a move - he's 54 years old! My friend works in a "club" and he's the type of guy that just wants to have a beautiful woman on his arm.

 Even though I was having a good time, my girl and I certainly didn't want to spend the whole evening in their company! They were offering to drive me back to Nerima, even though they live in Toyosu, but I declined, made my excuses about 9pm and then me and my girl ran off to the Oak Door in the Grand Hyatt. LOL!

It's amazing how you can run into people you know in a city as big as Tokyo. When we sat down at the counter for cocktails, I looked to my left, and sitting next to me was the owner of Two Rooms! I hadn't seen him for a while and that little encounter led to a deal with a fat discount on a party plan for my 30th!

Moving downstairs to Maduro, we were sipping on champagne and listening to live jazz. It's always kinda quiet on a Sunday night, so we called it a night and I just made the last train home. 

What the hell was up with the weather yesterday? It was so effing cold and that walk back to the station was just horrible. But it was great to see my girl and catch up and I have a feeling this is going to be a really fun summmer!


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