“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 23 April 2013

The Tongariro Alpine Crossing

Nearly 5 months into the year, I have finally finished uploading the last of my pics from New Zealand.

The last batch, were from the Tongariro Alpine Crossing. Better known as Mordor from Lord of the Rings.

When I look back on those pictures, I still can't believe I did that. I'm not a hiker, climber, trekker, whatever you wanna call them, but this crossing is considered NZ's best one day hike and I knew I just couldn't miss it. I'm not gonna lie, I was nervous as hell about doing it, as I knew it was going to be tough and everyone had warned me it could take anything from 7-9 hours, depending on the weather conditions.

It was the big one. The night before, I was in bed early, but I literally worked myself up into a complete state and couldn't sleep at all. I had pains in my abdomen, I felt sick and I was really wondering if I was going to be able to do it. I'd invested in a really good pair of hiking boots and backpack...no, you're not going to see any of the pictures of me in all that gear! HAHA! And yes, I did put make up on! LOL!

I decided to catch the early bus because I thought I wanted to take it really slow and it would be better to give myself enough time. The crossing is situated in Tongariro National Park and the pick up times of the buses are not frequent and the last one was like 3pm. I wanted to head out early enough to make sure I could make it back. As we got nearer and you could see the crossing from the window, it was just FREEZING and I felt sick with nerves. 

After I had completely the crossing, I felt so stupid for having worked myself up like that! The crossing is single handedly one of the most amazing things I've ever done - I mean, it's right up there with the Great Wall of China. The most astonishing part of it for me was that I managed to complete it in a speedy 4 hours and 55 minutes! WHAT?! I really underestimated my own physical fitness! I know I took my time, I took hundreds of pictures....although I know I was rushing at the top of the Red Crater Ridge, but that was because it was so effing windy, absolutely FREEZING and the ridge was so narrow with these insanely steep drops on either side, that I was so scared I was going to get blown off and die! a sheer drop on either side and the only way you can go is forward! I dropped to my hands and knees because that wind was no joke. Seriously, I was panicking the whole time that I was going to fall.

Mt. Ngauruhoe is the real name for Mt. Doom. It's where Frodo and Sam dropped the ring into the lava at the end of LOTR.  It is such an impressive sight and I had actually set out with the intention of climbing it. When I got closer and the sheer scale of the task hit me, I was really unconfident that I would actually make it...especially when some guy told me that he had come back down half way because it was really, really dangerous with a lot of scree. It was also a little unnerving to know that it's still very active and had erupted only a few months earlier.

Yah, I decided to pass. 

The sense of accomplishment I felt when I got to the end was priceless. I was super chuffed with the time, my fitness and even though I knew it was going to hurt the next day, I couldn't stop grinning. I didn't realise how exhausted I was until I sat on the side of the rode waiting for the bus and completely knocked out. 

I had planned to have an early night that night, but when I got back to my hostel, LOTR was on TV! HAHAHAHA! It was so cool to watch it and recognise all of th places! I was knackered when I woke up in the morning and I was still suffering from aching thighs 2 days later.

It was perfect though, because my nex stop was Waihi and that was my time to kick back and relax on the beach.

What an experience. Absolutely incredible.

It's a must do if you ever go to New Zealand!


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