“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 19 October 2014

Craft Beer Tour

OK, so a few days ago I was introduced to a Craft Beer app.

My boyfriend is obsessed with beer. And when his friend told him about this app and then he told me about it, you should have seen his eyes light up. It was like all his birthdays and Christmases had come at once.

So, basically this app either lets you search craft beer places by area, or lets you know the craft beer places that are around you. All you do is click on one of the beer glasses on the map and all the info comes up. The level of detail regarding the information on each place varies, depending on how many people have decided to log in using the app.

Today we're  on a craft beer tour. I'm not a massive beer drinker, especially not of IPAs, but a lager never does anyone any harm! First stop:

Popeye in Ryogoku.

This is one of the most popular craft beer joints in Tokyo with a whopping 74 beers on tap. At this point, it's so difficult to try all of them just because it's pretty far from where we live. It has a really nice atmosphere and great service. There are a LOT of chairs in here, meaning that you are often sharing elbow space with other people at the bar, but that doesn't take away from an epic selection of beer. Obviously, I'm not the one calling it epic. I haven't got a clue! LOL! But it's a nice vibe, and the best thing about this place? It's NON-SMOKING!!!! やった!A very rare thing in Tokyo bars these days.

Next up, Devilcraft Nihonbashi.

A really small joint, which was nice, but the music was not loud enough to not make you feel self conscious about everyone listening in to your conversation. The bar staff were really friendly.....but it kind of got boring quickly. They had a good selection of beers, but considering that Popeye had 74 on top and this place only had 15, it was a noticeable difference.

Then onto Devilcraft Hamamatsucho.

This is the biggest place so far. It feels much more Western with a larger foreign clientele and menu. Massive points for having pumpkin pie on the dessert menu!!! The pizza is insane - crazy deep pan where two slices feels like you've eaten the equivalent of a large Domino's pizza yourself. Even with 30 beers on tap, it seems that this place is way more famous (and popular) for pizza than beer. Not only that, the pizza I had was hands down the best topping I've ever had in my life! Shame I can't remember the name of it though - lol!

Definitely a different way for me to spend a Saturday!

As per my usual way, on a completely different note, have you been watching the newest season of Homeland?! And Grey's Anatomy? And OMG Scandal?! Someone has GOTto kill Rowan - seriously! The manipulative ability of that man is just beyond any other character I've seen on TV! (OK, well I know there are many others, but right now, how FAR is this man going to save his own arse?!



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