“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 17 October 2014

Still Blue

This time I'm referring to my driving license, not my mood. 

I'm not even sure what colour "completely and utterly fed up" would be....any ideas?

Anyway, I finally got off my arse and went to the Samezu driving centre to "renew" my license today. It actually expired in July, but when I asked the guy which form I should fill in, he didn't hesitate in giving me the renewal form. 

So I paid, had my eye test, and then when I went to the next counter, they told me I had the wrong form and that I needed to go to this other place to get a Certificate of Residence, come back, and start all over again.

I wasn't having it. I told them I'd go "around the corner" (which actually turned out to be a 20 minute walk), but when I came back, I wasn't going to start again and jump straight to the front of the queue. I was actually shocked that when I came back, I didn't have to queue for anything. Much to the displeasure of all the other people there, when the guy that was dealing with me before saw me come back, he literally stopped helping the person at the counter and came to help me instead. 

I was really excited about getting my gold license. I don't know why....and then they told me I wasn't allowed one. Not only because I'd let the license expire, but because I still had valid speeding points on it from three years ago....meaning that I had to sit through a 2 hour lecture (as opposed to just one) on safety awareness and the punishments for violating Japanese laws. I remembered it from the last time I went to renew my license...I did the "What kind of driver are you?" quiz again, and it wasn't surprising to find out I have road rage...again! LOL! Oh well....at least I can legally drive here again now. Lesson learnt - renew it when you're supposed to next time!!!!

Now onto my mood that I can't give a colour to.

You know when you hit that point where you will just not accept things the way they are? Yah, I'm there. I've literally had it up to HERE with a current situation and a current attitude. And no, I'm not saying that I'm free of responsibility from a certain situation that's going on now, but I'm at a point where something has GOT to change, because I literally can't stand what's happening right now.

When people don't LISTEN to what others are saying, how the hell can anything be resolved? How is it possible to make life changing decisions about the future if you can't even sort out the crap that is going on right now?! It's like we think that if we think about the future, then it can take away from having to deal with more immediate and urgent issues.


We all need to learn to talk more. And listen. And be open. Because when things fester, the day that they explode is the day when people say things.....and even though they may be said in the heat of the moment, there's still some truth to it. Somewhere  in there. And that's what's most concerning. 

I'm not putting up with it anymore.


I've had enough.

P.S. YES I know that I used "wondering" instead of "wandering" in my last post. I got lazyitus and couldn't be bothered to change it. And now I wish I had considering how many people have messaged me about it! LOL! 


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