“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 31 May 2010

Genki Genki!

I have no idea while I'm feeling so genki today!!

I had a ridiculously early morning again, leaving the house at 6am and then I came back home, took a nap and got ready for one of my private lessons.

My student is a florist and back in September when I met her, she asked me what my favourite flowers were and I told her that pink lillies were my faves. So today she showed up with the most gorgeous bouquet of lillies as a birthday present for me! I was so touched and the flowers were stunning! I think since that moment, I haven't been able to keep the smile off of my face - especially because if I turn around, I can see them and they smell gorgeous and are just so pretty.

I love flowers - I don't receive them often enough!

Have you seen the finale of 24?! Over the last couple of days, I have been catching up with all my online TV and it's still the best show ever! Absolutely bawled my eyes out in the finale. Like I do with every finale!! LOL!!

Anyway I am absolutely knackered so I'm off to bed!



Sunday 30 May 2010

Sod's Law

Of course my birthday has to be on a Tuesday this year.


The day that I go to the school I HATE. Teaching the students I HATE. Talking to the parents I HATE. Working in the place I HATE. Typical.

Happy Birthday to me! PAH!

I handed in my notice last week stating that my last day would be July 17th. I only told them this far in advance because I want them to find someone to replace me ASAP so that I can leave earlier. And I know they would want me to leave before I go on holiday so that they don't have schedule complications with the next teacher...but it remains to be seen if they can find someone in the next 3 weeks. Luckliy for me, I have been told that I am now a priority to replace because trust me, they do not need the complications that me taking my holiday to the States is gonna cause.

I've got my fingers crossed so tight because I don't think I can last at the Tuesday school much longer. I literally am at the point where I might actually thump one of the kids. I hate losing my temper, but it's also very short and this kid has been pushing all the right buttons for the last couple of months and despite my 'advice' that he needs to move to another class with a different teacher, my reputation as being the best teacher for discipline has stuck and his mother doesn't want to move him.

If I see him in my class on Tuesday..on my BIRTHDAY...I am gonna be FUMING and my manager better have a damn good explanation ready for me.

On a lighter note the new job is going well. It's gonna take a while for me to build up a clientele but already I am feeling much happier about going to work! I get to wear nice suits because I don't have to worry about rolling around on the floor and messing about with kids. And it's so nice not to have to worry about all the stupid things that you have to when working with children, like classroom control and all that bullshit. I cannot WAIT to be out of that environment once and for all. Defintiely at THAT point.

F*** teaching children man. It leads to nowhere.

Onwards and upwards. I won't miss it.


Tuesday 25 May 2010


I've had one hell of a day.

Actually, the last two weeks have been so ridiculously busy, I don't even know where to start.

Yeh I do..

I got a new job. And Sat, Sun, Mon from 10am-7pm I was training for it, which meant that I haven't had a day off for nearly two weeks. And it's not looking much better over the next few weeks to come. More new information, more training and more interviews. I badly need a break - I postponed my bday celebrations for a week just so I could relax for just one evening...although I still need a have an insanely early night because I'm gonna be working on Sunday.

I've decided now that the money that would come from working two jobs just isn't worth killing myself over. so my resignation date is creeping further and further forward - it's just that I wanna see how things go for a couple of weeks at the new place before I take the plunge. On the other side of that - it's better to get straight into the whole thing - the sooner that I can get established, the sooner I can start building up my clientele and moving up the ladder.

I feel so unprepared for my trip to the States as well - I haven't had a chance to look into anything yet and that's normally so unlike me!!

I cannot believe the chaos I had to deal with today in one of the 3-4 year old classes I was teaching. I'm not joking - it was absolutely hell. The temptation to smash this little boys head into the wall was overwhelming. And the worst part of it was that when the class was finally over, the mum grabbed her kid and left so quickly that I didn't even get a chance to speak to her. All I can hope is that she was really damn embarrassed and would bollock that devil child when they got home. Like that's going to happen, but I can hope, right? Either way, I'm definitely gonna get my manager to call the mum and speak to her over the phone - quite simple really - he MUST move to another class. No way I'm putting up with that bullshit - that brat needs a damn good hiding!

Urgh! I can't even stay up and watch an episode of something online because I have to be up so ridiculously early tomorrow. I hate being in this transitional period because it's just chaos and I feel that I just have no time to sit back and relax. I hope everything settles down soon because I just feel exhausted.

On that note, I'm off to get ready for bed. First day tomorrow! Time for all that training to go flying out the window! I HATE first days!

Wish me luck!


Wednesday 19 May 2010

Yearning For The Sun

OMG I am dying to get back onto the beach.

Yesterday was the absolute PERFECT weather in Tokyo. Warm with a light breeze - sunny and gorgeous without the disgusting sweat that the humid summers bring.

And then of course today it is raining. And humid. And disgusting. Urgh.

What I would do to be back on the beautiful beaches of Malaysia. I actually got a bit sunned out when I was there - especially in Langkawi because there wasn't much else to do except sunbathe. Not that I'm complaining of course, but there were times when that sun hit you and it was so hot and the sea was so damn warm that it no longer became refreshing to take a swim. In the end we just had to get out of the sun for a couple of hours. I think it happens to everyone who just spends the whole day sunbathing. You end up back in the hotel room and then just knock straight out.

I remember when I went to Okinawa with my ex. We used to get up, drive to the beach, spend a few hours there and always end up back at the hotel for a nap before heading out for the evening. Man, that was a great break - I really need to make it back to Okinawa.

I was talking to a friend this morning and realised that there is still so much of Japan that I need (and want) to see. When you live here, it is so easy to focus your attention on travelling the rest of Asia that you sometimes neglect the beauty that is right under your nose. And that is I want to rectify in the time between when I get back from the States and when I go to Oz in December. So much to see...it's really expensive getting around Japan though and that's really annoying. But it's gotta be done.

The thought is actually really exciting! I can't wait to get started.

Seriously getting psyched bout going to the States as well. I've never done the whole tourist thing there so it'll be great to have the time to go and see some of these galleries and museums by myself without having to wonder if the other person is only feigning interest. I can't wait. Not to mention how much I'm looking forward to catching up with my girls!

So much to look forward to.


Tuesday 18 May 2010

No Match

You know what, yeh, it doesn't matter what I do for my birthday this year - it will never match up to my 10 consecutive day celebration that I had last year.

Plus the fact that I'm absolutely broke and can't even afford to have a big celebration! All my friends in Tokyo are so different as well, that I have to do separate things with all of them - it's actually a pain in the arse. But the biggest thing is the money - I mean, in a month I'm gonna be heading out to the States and I wanna save as much money as I can for that. It's come around so soon - I never realised that I would have to start planning again so soon after coming back from my Singapore and Malaysia trip. It feels insane and fabulous at the same time that I'm off again so soon.

Just the way I like it.

So I might have to pass up on the birthday celebrations this year!

Oh well.


Sunday 16 May 2010


OMG I have nowhere to put my new shoes!!!!

Despite being broke, I came back form Singapore with 5 pairs of new shoes. They weren't ridiculously expensive or anything but I'm trying to finally unpack and tidy up and I've realised that I have run out of space to put my shoes!!

I remember coming over to Japan with hardly any shoes but since I've been here, I have accumulated so many pairs! People always moan that they can't get shoes in their size here, but unless you hit like over 27cm (which not that many women do), it really isn't that big of a problem if you look in the right place and are willing to spend a bit of extra cash. But everytime I go abroad, ESPECIALLY to places like Singapore and HK where the shopping is just phenomenal, I always come back with a pair or two!

I've already doubled up pairs on my shoe rack both in the genkan and in my wardrobe and there STILL isn't enough space! I can't even believe how many racks and rails and hangers I've had to buy since moving into my place in Tokyo either. I forgot that I still need to get you pictures of that as well!

So much to catch up on!

But first thing's first....

I've GOT to tidy up!!!


Tuesday 11 May 2010

Back and Black!

I got back from holiday yesterday.

12 days in Singapore and Malaysia and it was absolutely fantastic.

Malaysia is such a stunning place and Singapore...well....I'm thinking about upping sticks and moving there. I LOVED it. I'm actually quite shocked that Hong Kong has now been overtaken and Singapore is now my favourite city in the world. Along with Hong Kong, London, Tokyo and Madrid to complete my top 5.

I always come back to Japan with post holiday blues. But it's different this time. Seeing other S.E. Asian cities had made me realise that Tokyo is amazing and also, but whilst it may be a metropolis, it's so far from being cosmopolitan. It has yet to open itself to the world and I miss that.

I'm thinking about giving it until my visa runs out in November to make a final decision. If I haven't found a job outside of teaching by then, I'm outta here. I think. Or at least that's what my heart is telling me right now. You know when you hit THAT point? I think i might be closer than I thought.

I can still study, I can still acquire the language...I don't know. It's just been so crap coming back to the harsh reality of my situation here. Bills coming out of my ears, drama with this company takeover. I'm gonna hand in my notice at the beginning of next week and I have a job interview tomorrow but it's just horrible to be back in this position where I have to sell myself to employers. It feels like I was only doing it yesterday.

But there is so much that I want to tell you about my trip. So many photos. I have put a few up on Facebook but for my fabulous readers that aren't on there, I'll be putting some up on here as well for you. Both Singapore and Malaysia are just such interesting places - but right now I just don't have the time or energy to start writing about it.

It will come. Don't worry.
