“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 25 May 2010


I've had one hell of a day.

Actually, the last two weeks have been so ridiculously busy, I don't even know where to start.

Yeh I do..

I got a new job. And Sat, Sun, Mon from 10am-7pm I was training for it, which meant that I haven't had a day off for nearly two weeks. And it's not looking much better over the next few weeks to come. More new information, more training and more interviews. I badly need a break - I postponed my bday celebrations for a week just so I could relax for just one evening...although I still need a have an insanely early night because I'm gonna be working on Sunday.

I've decided now that the money that would come from working two jobs just isn't worth killing myself over. so my resignation date is creeping further and further forward - it's just that I wanna see how things go for a couple of weeks at the new place before I take the plunge. On the other side of that - it's better to get straight into the whole thing - the sooner that I can get established, the sooner I can start building up my clientele and moving up the ladder.

I feel so unprepared for my trip to the States as well - I haven't had a chance to look into anything yet and that's normally so unlike me!!

I cannot believe the chaos I had to deal with today in one of the 3-4 year old classes I was teaching. I'm not joking - it was absolutely hell. The temptation to smash this little boys head into the wall was overwhelming. And the worst part of it was that when the class was finally over, the mum grabbed her kid and left so quickly that I didn't even get a chance to speak to her. All I can hope is that she was really damn embarrassed and would bollock that devil child when they got home. Like that's going to happen, but I can hope, right? Either way, I'm definitely gonna get my manager to call the mum and speak to her over the phone - quite simple really - he MUST move to another class. No way I'm putting up with that bullshit - that brat needs a damn good hiding!

Urgh! I can't even stay up and watch an episode of something online because I have to be up so ridiculously early tomorrow. I hate being in this transitional period because it's just chaos and I feel that I just have no time to sit back and relax. I hope everything settles down soon because I just feel exhausted.

On that note, I'm off to get ready for bed. First day tomorrow! Time for all that training to go flying out the window! I HATE first days!

Wish me luck!


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