“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 30 May 2010

Sod's Law

Of course my birthday has to be on a Tuesday this year.


The day that I go to the school I HATE. Teaching the students I HATE. Talking to the parents I HATE. Working in the place I HATE. Typical.

Happy Birthday to me! PAH!

I handed in my notice last week stating that my last day would be July 17th. I only told them this far in advance because I want them to find someone to replace me ASAP so that I can leave earlier. And I know they would want me to leave before I go on holiday so that they don't have schedule complications with the next teacher...but it remains to be seen if they can find someone in the next 3 weeks. Luckliy for me, I have been told that I am now a priority to replace because trust me, they do not need the complications that me taking my holiday to the States is gonna cause.

I've got my fingers crossed so tight because I don't think I can last at the Tuesday school much longer. I literally am at the point where I might actually thump one of the kids. I hate losing my temper, but it's also very short and this kid has been pushing all the right buttons for the last couple of months and despite my 'advice' that he needs to move to another class with a different teacher, my reputation as being the best teacher for discipline has stuck and his mother doesn't want to move him.

If I see him in my class on Tuesday..on my BIRTHDAY...I am gonna be FUMING and my manager better have a damn good explanation ready for me.

On a lighter note the new job is going well. It's gonna take a while for me to build up a clientele but already I am feeling much happier about going to work! I get to wear nice suits because I don't have to worry about rolling around on the floor and messing about with kids. And it's so nice not to have to worry about all the stupid things that you have to when working with children, like classroom control and all that bullshit. I cannot WAIT to be out of that environment once and for all. Defintiely at THAT point.

F*** teaching children man. It leads to nowhere.

Onwards and upwards. I won't miss it.


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