“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 16 May 2010


OMG I have nowhere to put my new shoes!!!!

Despite being broke, I came back form Singapore with 5 pairs of new shoes. They weren't ridiculously expensive or anything but I'm trying to finally unpack and tidy up and I've realised that I have run out of space to put my shoes!!

I remember coming over to Japan with hardly any shoes but since I've been here, I have accumulated so many pairs! People always moan that they can't get shoes in their size here, but unless you hit like over 27cm (which not that many women do), it really isn't that big of a problem if you look in the right place and are willing to spend a bit of extra cash. But everytime I go abroad, ESPECIALLY to places like Singapore and HK where the shopping is just phenomenal, I always come back with a pair or two!

I've already doubled up pairs on my shoe rack both in the genkan and in my wardrobe and there STILL isn't enough space! I can't even believe how many racks and rails and hangers I've had to buy since moving into my place in Tokyo either. I forgot that I still need to get you pictures of that as well!

So much to catch up on!

But first thing's first....

I've GOT to tidy up!!!


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