“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 7 February 2012

First Day!

So I've made it through the first day of the CELTA!


So far so good. Today was pretty easygoing. This morning was spent just going over really basic things with the computers and copiers. I swear I've been in Japan too long - I haven't seen an old school overhead projector for absolutely years!! It made me giggle seeing that in the classroom today - I dunno, I was just expecting everything to be a lot more modern!

So first up was a little bit of input and then after the break we were launched right into a beginner's Hungarian lesson! Hungarian?! I absolutely loved it!! You know I'm a language geek and to learn such an obscure one was so much fun! And it just goes to show that even as a complete beginner, it all depends on the teacher's skill. I can make basic introductions, greetings and order drinks in a bar. =) Awesome!

We then had to observe a lesson this afternoon. I was really surprised because on my course are so many people who have taught or are actively teaching now. The best bit is that in my group of 6, 5 of us are active teachers, so it's going to make the assisgnments a lot easier because we can share our ideas and experience. the downside of that is that we probably all have horrible habits and it's gonna be this course that brings them out!

I found out that I'm one of the 3 that are gonna be teaching tomorrow. As soon as I saw what I was supposed to be teaching, my lesson plan developed in my head within a minute, so after the course I decided to head to the pub and then out for dinner. I got back to my apartment at like 9.30pm and have just finished making the worksheets for my class now. I'm pretty confident about it - to be honest, the trainer is only gonna be marking us on our interaction with the students and our ability to give clear instructions, so I'm not particulary worried about this observation. I've made my own worksheets (instead of copying them straight from the book) and I just wanna add a few pics before going to bed.

First day done and dusted.


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