“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Junk In The Trunk!!!

I've just gotten home from my first workout at the gym in a month.

Back into the pool for some aqua aero - I always feel amazing afterwards, even though everything is aching. It's a good sign - a sign that the body's done some work.

I only ever get on the scales at the gym. You know I don't do diets and I'm not trying to lose any weight so I don't have any in my house. But when I got on the scales today, I was a little....not shocked....more surprised at the extent of damage 3 weeks back in the UK had done. I know I had put on a few kilos, I just didn't realise it was that much.

I don't really care.

When I was powering away in the pool to a vigorous routine, sure, I could feels a few things wobbling that may not have been wobbling before but apart from the stomach, the majority of the extra weight seems to have gone on my arse.

Which for me, is an extremely good thing!! It's definitely making my booty shorts look even hotter - hahahahahha!! Kinda loving it actually, so just gonna work on toning up a bit - which I guess is what I've always been doing.

FINALLY hit up the supermarket for the first time since I've been back. And what a day I chose to go!! 77yen avocados, tomatoes, mushrooms, onions....what was going on in Tesco?!?!? I managed to leave with 3 very full (and heavy) bags of fruit and veg for under 3000yen! 


My arms got a bit of an extra workout as well as I lugged the whole lot back home during a 20 min walk back to my house. And I've just enjoyed a nice crab salad with some dumplings and am now gonna make a fruit salad with yoghurt.

Couple of hours to chill out and then it's off to work.


Insecurities And Honesty

Since I posted that last entry earlier on today, I've had 3 people contact me looking for confirmation that it was about them. And YES - I am talking about you 3 now!!

The most interesting thing about it is that after each of them contacted me, I read the post again and, to be honest, couldn't see how each of them had come to that conclusion...because the truth of the matter is that wasn't about any of them.

The fact that they thought it was highlighted the extreme insecurities that each of them have as well as the level of self - involvement and amount of dwelling they must all be doing to think that it could have been.

Sorry to you all for this, but insecurity is a very unattractive quality.

When they all explained the parts of the post that made them think I was talking about them, it kinda made sense but then at the same time, I'm like, there is no way near enough info in that post that should make you come to that conclusion. Insecurity, insecurity, insecurity - how about just ASKING me who it was about instead of ASSUMING?!

Even more interesting is that you all explain how you uffed up and yet not one of you apologized, offered to make it up or by any means tried and ask me outright what I may have thought or felt about the situation. You all talked about you, made excuses about YOUR behaviour and I chose to ignore all of your attempts at trying to get me tell you that everything's cool because well.....if that post had of been about any of you, then the part when I said someone had misread me would have been applicable to all of you. You've all just demonstrated that this evening.

I have to admit though, if they had of asked the direct question of who that entry was about, I'm not sure I would have told the truth anyway. I'm not just gonna hand out a name like that. 

This is to you three though - take a step back, THINK ABOUT IT and then contact me when you're feeling less self-absorbed and ready to talk to me with the RIGHT questions. I could probably help explain a bit of your behaviour actually - not sure, but if you ask the right questions, things may start to make sense. I'd left all of this behind when I left the UK and haven't really thought about it all since I've been back. 

But apparently it seems like you all need something from me....what that is varies for sure but have a think about it.

And get back to me.



Tuesday 28 August 2012


Argh!!! I am feeling so insanely frustrated.

I haven't been able to blog a lot this month. And it's not because there hasn't been anything going on - believe me, I would LOVE to tell you what's going on, but I just can't.

Why not?


Because I want to tell you about an experience I had when I was back home. And the problem is the person that that experience involves reads my blog. So even though you know I don't mention any names, the second I reveal a couple of facts, that person is gonna know that I'm writing about them. And to be honest, it's pretty scathing what I want to say....

So I decided to keep schtum about it. And it's not easy! 

I know you'd laugh your arse off if I told you - I'm positive!! But it's like I didn't make my feelings so clear to that person at the time, so if I was to come and blurt it all out now, then that person is gonna be left a bit humiliated and it's not really fair - ESPECIALLY because I'm pretty sure that that person completely misread what I was thinking and feeling and may have got completely the wrong end of the stick.


Need to get off my lazy arse and get ready for work. Everytime I look outside, all I keep thinking about if the amazing tan I would have if I were able to get to the beach everyday instead of being cooped up in a freezer of an office.


Nom Nom

Awwwwwww....I've had such a lovely evening!

I headed to Daimon with a friend for a seriously delicious Italian.

Normally when you go to these tabehoudai places, the menu that you can choose from is kinda limited, but not at this place - we could choose from the entire menu!!

Nom, nom, nom!!! We absolutely stuffed our faces and topped it all off with ice cream. After a bit of a heavy weekend, we both decided to lay off the booze and tried to balance out the amount of food by drinking soft drinks - definitely a first! HAHAHA!

The restaurant had only been open for 6 months and was this most adorable little joint with the cutest decor - it was a really nice evening with a great friend and some good conversation.

So I told you that I've been a bit of a social butterfly since I cam back from England and that's definitely not gonna change this week! It's nice to be able to catch up with so many people in such a short space of time - especially coz it's still that time of year when people are leaving - so I want to make sure that I can try and spend time with them while I still can.

I didn't get to catch up with my travel buddy before I left but it looks like our adventures may just continue!! Even though we are now living on opposite sides of the world. \(^0^)/
But it's like I told me friend in Brazil the other day, you don't have to speak to someone or even see them every day for them to be one of your best friends. True friendships last the pace and when you do meet up with that friend after a length of time, it's makes it even the more special.

So even though people around me are leaving left, right and centre, I still feel positive about it because I KNOW I will see them again....even if it's years down the line!!

I spoke to my friend in Puerto Rico today and he's coming back to Japan this autumn for a visit - we're gonna head back to Fukuoka and Karatsu together and visit our Japanese hometowns!! It's actually really exciting to be going back with someone that I used to spend a lot of time there with, and especially because it's been 3 years since we last saw each other.

Can't wait!!


Wednesday 22 August 2012


You know I'm not good with insects.

The 2 worst things about summer are sweat and insects.

This morning while I was doing my laundry, I went to get it out the machine and when I turned around to hang it up, there it was....

....a ******* cockroach!!!!!!

Where the **** did that come from!?!??!?! Literally a second before it wasn't there!!

No joke, I screamed the house down and practically started hyperventilating.

I HATE cockroaches....and even though throughout the whole time I was trying to gas it to death I was screaming and sweating and being a right girly girl, at least it wasn't a spider.

Because I'm absolutey PETRIFIED of those!! 

I miss having my friend live around the corner from me. Over a year ago I saw a cockroach in the bathroom, ran out, called her and she came running to my rescue with spray and a heavy duty boot! LOL! While she was taking care of business, I was halfway up the stairs hiding away.

No one to save me this time!! I had to take care of it myself.

The damn thing had run behind my laundry basket - NO WAY was I moving that thing!! I knew that the second I did, it would come scurrying out and knowing how I'd react, I'd probably injure myself!! So I grabbed the spray and sprayed it into every surrounding the basket. Every time I heard it moving behind it I screamed. I kept going and going and going and finally I couldn't hear anything. It took me a good 10 minutes to pluck up the courage to move the basket and see if it was dead. I'm not joking, I was drenched from the panic of it all! Slowly, slowly (and still spraying - you know - just in case!) I moved the basket out and there it was...on it's back with it's legs slightly moving. They're just as scary dead as they are alive. Ugle mofos.

I couldn't touch it. I grabbed a bucket, sprayed a loada bug spray inside for good measure and chucked it over the roach. It stayed there for like 20 minutes before I realised that there was no way I could just leave it there.I got a dustpan and brush but every time the brush touched it, I screamed and jumped back. I HATE HATE HATE THEM SO MUCH and did wanna be anywhere near it!! 

When I finally managed to get in onto the dustpan, I put it in tupperware!! Yeah, yeah I know but what else was I supposed to do with it?!?!?! Put it outside?!!? What if it magically came back to life and came back in? Throw it in the bin? HELL NO!! 

So at the moment it's in a tupperware box by the front door covered in kitchen towwl. When I head out to work later I'm gonna put it in the bin with the rest of my rubbish and then take it out to be collected tomorrow.

I always get so creeped out that there are more lurking around somewhere. The thought of those ghastly things roaming around MY house - the cheek of them!!! It actually makes me look forward to summer being over - I just can't deal with them! I'm just glad that it's not a regular occurence coz handling one is bad enough for me!!!

Still feeling a little proud I managed to take care of business myself!


Such a girl!!!


Monday 20 August 2012

Social Butterfly

My goodness me I'm exhausted.

I arrived back in Japan only last Tuesday, yet I seem to have had the most insanelyt social week....starting from the day that I touched back down!!

I'm not complaining, but I'm really starting to feel the effects of not resting through the jet lag or getting that much needed bit of extra sleep. >_<

Hit up Summer Sonic yesterday - performances of the day hands down go to JK and Rihanna. Stunningly sexy and insanely hot, it gave me great amusement to listen to the reaction of the Japanese fans and we watched Ri-ri wind and grind on stage while patting her ***** to Birthday Cake.

The choruses of やばい!!!!ran through the arena.


It was fantastic to finally see her live - and hopefully not for the last time!! She really is just a ******* superstar.

So how does it feel to be back?

Normally I get holiday blues but this year I guess I've been too busy and jetlagged to really feel  anything. 

The day I got back, my girl came over for dinner, next day I was checking out the eye candy on Zushi beach (how the hell is everyone so buff down there?!?!!?!? I never understand it), Thurs was back to work, Fri I caught up with a friend who left at the weekend, Sat was another night in with a friend and then yesterday was the festival. 

All of that without ever really having caught up with my sleep. I don't even know if I'm still jetlagged or whether I really am just knackered. My nihongo lesson was a bit sloppy today because I was too tired to get the words out. But I still managed to enjoy it like always.

I've come back with a million ideas of all the things that I want to do. Seeing people around me leaving left, right and centre is really making me think about everything that I'm doing here and I defintiely feel like I have more of a focus. This time I just need to make sure that I do it. In fact...I already have....but I can't get into the details just yet - gomen.


Wednesday 8 August 2012

Bursting With Pride

Team GB are absolutely cleaning up at the Olympics.

We've already got more gold medals than 4 years ago in Beijing, and whilst a lot fo the athletic and swimming hopefuls didn't come through, we have absolutely excelled in the cycling, rowing, shooting, gymnastics and equestrian events.

I don't think anyone has felt more proud to be British this summer. It's the most incredible experience to be hosting the Olympic Games and to be here, on home turf, to see it all happen is just so very, very special.

This is by far, my best trip back to the UK since I moved to Japan 5 years ago.

5 years....can you believe it. Time has absolutely flown by and seeing that written down on paper makes me wonder what the next steps should be.

If the job market was looking a bit more optimistic here, I would move back. No joke. But it's not looking great and I think it's best for me to keep doing what I'm doing, get some money behind me and then just take it from there.

One more week and I'll be back in Japan - where did these last few weeks go to?!

I came back to London from Cardiff and Dublin yesterday - I haven't been to either city in absolutely years, so it was great to get out there and be a tourist for a week! HAHAHAHHA!

Plenty of photos to come when I get time to sit down and sift through them all.

In the meantime, please, please enjoy the Olympics as much as I am. This is a very special summer!!!

