“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Junk In The Trunk!!!

I've just gotten home from my first workout at the gym in a month.

Back into the pool for some aqua aero - I always feel amazing afterwards, even though everything is aching. It's a good sign - a sign that the body's done some work.

I only ever get on the scales at the gym. You know I don't do diets and I'm not trying to lose any weight so I don't have any in my house. But when I got on the scales today, I was a little....not shocked....more surprised at the extent of damage 3 weeks back in the UK had done. I know I had put on a few kilos, I just didn't realise it was that much.

I don't really care.

When I was powering away in the pool to a vigorous routine, sure, I could feels a few things wobbling that may not have been wobbling before but apart from the stomach, the majority of the extra weight seems to have gone on my arse.

Which for me, is an extremely good thing!! It's definitely making my booty shorts look even hotter - hahahahahha!! Kinda loving it actually, so just gonna work on toning up a bit - which I guess is what I've always been doing.

FINALLY hit up the supermarket for the first time since I've been back. And what a day I chose to go!! 77yen avocados, tomatoes, mushrooms, onions....what was going on in Tesco?!?!? I managed to leave with 3 very full (and heavy) bags of fruit and veg for under 3000yen! 


My arms got a bit of an extra workout as well as I lugged the whole lot back home during a 20 min walk back to my house. And I've just enjoyed a nice crab salad with some dumplings and am now gonna make a fruit salad with yoghurt.

Couple of hours to chill out and then it's off to work.


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