“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Insecurities And Honesty

Since I posted that last entry earlier on today, I've had 3 people contact me looking for confirmation that it was about them. And YES - I am talking about you 3 now!!

The most interesting thing about it is that after each of them contacted me, I read the post again and, to be honest, couldn't see how each of them had come to that conclusion...because the truth of the matter is that wasn't about any of them.

The fact that they thought it was highlighted the extreme insecurities that each of them have as well as the level of self - involvement and amount of dwelling they must all be doing to think that it could have been.

Sorry to you all for this, but insecurity is a very unattractive quality.

When they all explained the parts of the post that made them think I was talking about them, it kinda made sense but then at the same time, I'm like, there is no way near enough info in that post that should make you come to that conclusion. Insecurity, insecurity, insecurity - how about just ASKING me who it was about instead of ASSUMING?!

Even more interesting is that you all explain how you uffed up and yet not one of you apologized, offered to make it up or by any means tried and ask me outright what I may have thought or felt about the situation. You all talked about you, made excuses about YOUR behaviour and I chose to ignore all of your attempts at trying to get me tell you that everything's cool because well.....if that post had of been about any of you, then the part when I said someone had misread me would have been applicable to all of you. You've all just demonstrated that this evening.

I have to admit though, if they had of asked the direct question of who that entry was about, I'm not sure I would have told the truth anyway. I'm not just gonna hand out a name like that. 

This is to you three though - take a step back, THINK ABOUT IT and then contact me when you're feeling less self-absorbed and ready to talk to me with the RIGHT questions. I could probably help explain a bit of your behaviour actually - not sure, but if you ask the right questions, things may start to make sense. I'd left all of this behind when I left the UK and haven't really thought about it all since I've been back. 

But apparently it seems like you all need something from me....what that is varies for sure but have a think about it.

And get back to me.



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