“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 22 August 2012


You know I'm not good with insects.

The 2 worst things about summer are sweat and insects.

This morning while I was doing my laundry, I went to get it out the machine and when I turned around to hang it up, there it was....

....a ******* cockroach!!!!!!

Where the **** did that come from!?!??!?! Literally a second before it wasn't there!!

No joke, I screamed the house down and practically started hyperventilating.

I HATE cockroaches....and even though throughout the whole time I was trying to gas it to death I was screaming and sweating and being a right girly girl, at least it wasn't a spider.

Because I'm absolutey PETRIFIED of those!! 

I miss having my friend live around the corner from me. Over a year ago I saw a cockroach in the bathroom, ran out, called her and she came running to my rescue with spray and a heavy duty boot! LOL! While she was taking care of business, I was halfway up the stairs hiding away.

No one to save me this time!! I had to take care of it myself.

The damn thing had run behind my laundry basket - NO WAY was I moving that thing!! I knew that the second I did, it would come scurrying out and knowing how I'd react, I'd probably injure myself!! So I grabbed the spray and sprayed it into every surrounding the basket. Every time I heard it moving behind it I screamed. I kept going and going and going and finally I couldn't hear anything. It took me a good 10 minutes to pluck up the courage to move the basket and see if it was dead. I'm not joking, I was drenched from the panic of it all! Slowly, slowly (and still spraying - you know - just in case!) I moved the basket out and there it was...on it's back with it's legs slightly moving. They're just as scary dead as they are alive. Ugle mofos.

I couldn't touch it. I grabbed a bucket, sprayed a loada bug spray inside for good measure and chucked it over the roach. It stayed there for like 20 minutes before I realised that there was no way I could just leave it there.I got a dustpan and brush but every time the brush touched it, I screamed and jumped back. I HATE HATE HATE THEM SO MUCH and did wanna be anywhere near it!! 

When I finally managed to get in onto the dustpan, I put it in tupperware!! Yeah, yeah I know but what else was I supposed to do with it?!?!?! Put it outside?!!? What if it magically came back to life and came back in? Throw it in the bin? HELL NO!! 

So at the moment it's in a tupperware box by the front door covered in kitchen towwl. When I head out to work later I'm gonna put it in the bin with the rest of my rubbish and then take it out to be collected tomorrow.

I always get so creeped out that there are more lurking around somewhere. The thought of those ghastly things roaming around MY house - the cheek of them!!! It actually makes me look forward to summer being over - I just can't deal with them! I'm just glad that it's not a regular occurence coz handling one is bad enough for me!!!

Still feeling a little proud I managed to take care of business myself!


Such a girl!!!


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