“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Nom Nom

Awwwwwww....I've had such a lovely evening!

I headed to Daimon with a friend for a seriously delicious Italian.

Normally when you go to these tabehoudai places, the menu that you can choose from is kinda limited, but not at this place - we could choose from the entire menu!!

Nom, nom, nom!!! We absolutely stuffed our faces and topped it all off with ice cream. After a bit of a heavy weekend, we both decided to lay off the booze and tried to balance out the amount of food by drinking soft drinks - definitely a first! HAHAHA!

The restaurant had only been open for 6 months and was this most adorable little joint with the cutest decor - it was a really nice evening with a great friend and some good conversation.

So I told you that I've been a bit of a social butterfly since I cam back from England and that's definitely not gonna change this week! It's nice to be able to catch up with so many people in such a short space of time - especially coz it's still that time of year when people are leaving - so I want to make sure that I can try and spend time with them while I still can.

I didn't get to catch up with my travel buddy before I left but it looks like our adventures may just continue!! Even though we are now living on opposite sides of the world. \(^0^)/
But it's like I told me friend in Brazil the other day, you don't have to speak to someone or even see them every day for them to be one of your best friends. True friendships last the pace and when you do meet up with that friend after a length of time, it's makes it even the more special.

So even though people around me are leaving left, right and centre, I still feel positive about it because I KNOW I will see them again....even if it's years down the line!!

I spoke to my friend in Puerto Rico today and he's coming back to Japan this autumn for a visit - we're gonna head back to Fukuoka and Karatsu together and visit our Japanese hometowns!! It's actually really exciting to be going back with someone that I used to spend a lot of time there with, and especially because it's been 3 years since we last saw each other.

Can't wait!!


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