“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 1 September 2012


What a cracking start Team GB has had to the Paralympic Games.

I'm not going to lie - I haven't been able to follow as closely as I would had I been in England. I would love to blame it solely on the time difference, but sadly it's not even that.

There is ZERO coverage over here. I checked the medal table - Japan aren't even in the top 42 - are they even in it at all?! I don't even know. But from what I've been hearing, unless Japan is participating in an event - nothing is shown on TV.

When I came back, everyone was complaining that all they could watch over here was the wrestling, judo, table tennis and only got to see the other events if there was a Japanese participant. There were also humungous complaints about the closing ceremony because the Japanese commentators talked over all the performances.

So I'm having to make do with the internet and getting FB updates and checking out the newspapers. It's a shame because I can remember so clearly the feeling that I had watching the Olympics live. The Paralympics are not less important - they don't get nearly enough coverage and it's somewhat disrespectful - WRs are being broken left, right and centre - I wish I could be there to see it.

It's bloody fantastic for the UK though. I mean, I've NEVER seen the Paralympics before, but because everyone was buzzing after the Olympics and it was so difficult to get tickets, more and more people starting buying Paralympics tickets to be part of the whole experience. It's putting British Paralympians on the map which will be so great for the next Olympics and Paralympics, as people will be more inclined to support them.

Just looking at the pictures, just reading the news and the sad stories behind the athletes' disabilities, my god it's so inspiring!! The motto of the 2012 games is "Inspire a generation". It's really, really special to see that it's not only able-bodied athletes who are doing the inspiring.

What truly amazing human beings.

22 medals and it's only day 3. What a ridiculous achievement and it's far superior than the performance at this stage in the Olympic Games. I'm so glad that the British athletes at least will get the recognition that they deserve.


How much I wish I could be there.


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