“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 8 September 2012

The Phenomenon That Is Earth

I could sit and look at a map for hours. 

In fact, I do.

I close my eyes and then just plonk my finger down on a map...and then google it.

And more often than not, I end up wanting to go there.

Do you remember when I said that this year was going to be my last 'big' travel year?

Yeah, well you can scrap that!!

There are just way too many places that have to be seen before I die. You should travel your whole life. Don't use marriage and kids as an excuse to say that you can't.

You CAN.

And should.

So you all know that I'm heading to New Zealand this Christmas and New Year. I haven't booked my ticket yet, but I'm starting to do a little more research into it.

HOW stunning?

I badly wanna go for like 3 weeks, but with the nature of my work, I just can't afford to take that much unpaid time off. Plus the fact that a lot of new things may be happening next year...it just can't be done. So I'm planning to head out there for 2...and it's so hard to decide what to see. And I think I'm gonna be flying solo, so of course I wanna be able to spend some time with my friends too. There is just so much beauty out there and it's gonna be tough to try and see everything. 

So excited about it all.

And then next on my list is Africa. Starting with Zanzibar. If you don't know about it, google it and marvel at these two stunning islands of untouched beauty. I thought that it would cost an absolute fortune to experience that piece of paradise, but it's really not that more expensive then my flight to NZ is going to be. YAY!!

And then I've become so mesmorized by Namibia. I don't think I've ever been to a desert before.....no, I don't think I have and this one is just remarkable. And then there's the Lac Rose in Senegal, Cabo Verde and of course I need to go and see my girl in SA and then there's Egypt and I wanna hit up Ghana and OF COURSE, Kenya and I would go to Angola if I was brave enough and I wanna visit friends in Mozambique. And I've seen from loads of friend's pics that there are gems along the east and west coast that have just got to be done. 

Then there's still my dream to hit up the French Polynesia. 

So many places.

I still need to head back and do Europe properly!!!

And I wanna see more of the States - namely the Grand Canyon and Havasu Falls.

And me and my fave travel buddy always talked about Nepal and Mongolia. I still wanna do that.

So, so many places. I've barely even touched on them all here. I wouldn't be able to - it would make this entry waaaayyyy too long.


Who says you can't travel and save?! Yeh, OK I know I might not be able to save even a fraction of what a lot of other people do.....but then again, do those people get to see as much of the world as I do? Exactly.

The Earth is a truly phenomenal place. And having the privilege of travelling around to see it - man, THIS is why I work my arse off. This is why I live.

To travel.

My most favourite thing to do in the whole world.

So inspired.

I could sit and look at pics of the world all evening.

In fact, that is EXACTLY how I'm going to spend my Saturday night.


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