“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 12 September 2012


I love this time of year.


Because the new season of Project Runway is well under way!!!


I absolutely LOVE this show and not only this, but the new season of ANTM has also started with the DELICIOUS Rob Evans on it as one of the new judges.

Errr.....HELLLLLLOOOOOOOO sir!! No joke - I swear down he rivals Willy Monfret in how damn fine he is!!!

Yes, I know that everyone hates reality shows but remember that these support new talent. OK, so ANTM might not be on the same level as the other two, but I really love watching the photoshoots and looking at the transformations. And it's perfect timing because SYTYCD is gonna finish next week!

I really need to start watching some proper TV shows! LOL!!

Not that you'd get it from what I've just said, but I've been really productive recently!! I feel like I'm making more out of the time that I have free before work and I'm not sure why, but it feels like things have slowed down a bit. They haven't - I'm still working the same schedule, but something has switched in my attitude that it doesn't feel like I'm rushing around or as tired as usual. 

I have a feeling it's something to do with my upcoming travel plans - not just for this Christmas but for my birthday next year as well. So excited about that - it's going to be very, very special. (^0^)

When I have a trip to look forward to, it's like nothing else matters. Everything that I do now is leading up to that and it's that excitement that keeps me going. I also worked out that NZ is going to be my 8th trip this year. Spoiling myself much?! HAHA!

I think going to bed earlier is also helping - I'm generally not feeling as tired....although that seems to change the minute I get to work! But I haven't touched a single can of red bull all week - and believe me, that's definitely an achievement for me! I'm just hoping it can continue for the rest of the week but I know it's unlikely as Thursdays and Fridays are my super busy days.

Looking forward to spending time with friends at the weekend though, so it's allll good.



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