“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 3 September 2012


Not that I'm complaning.....

 .....but out of nowhere, I've found myself surrounded by single men!!! DECENT single men!!!!


I have always complained time and time again that every time I find a guy I like, he's always taken.

Well something's been going on recently because in the last week, I've met 5 single guys who are funny, insanely hot, taller than me (well, with the exception of 1....who funnily enough is a gaijin!!) and want to take me out. Even better is that 4 of them are Japanese - yes, funny, insanely hot and tall J - guys DO exist!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Where did they all come from? LOL - who cares!!

I went on a very impressive first date on Friday, so I'm looking forward to seeing how the others live up to that - the bar's been set pretty high! 

One thing is for sure though, my Japanese is getting a serious work out as only ONE of these guys speaks English (of course it's the foreign one), but it's all good.

Feeling so tired and hungover today - had a blinder of a night out with my girl and we came stumbling in at 7 this morning. What happened? Well, sorry to disappoint but that just can't be shared!! But what I CAN tell you is that the night pretty much went like this:

3 bars, 1 club, a few bananas, glasses and glasses of champagne, rum and vodka, serious eye candy, good music, some booty shaking, a room in the Grand Hyatt hotel, a bubble bath, slippery floors, muffled sounds and lots and lots of giggles!!

And it's back to Roppongi tonight for dinner! Think I might need to take a nap first!



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