“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 5 September 2012



A new supermarket has opened literally 50 seconds from my house.

I normally go to the supermarket after I've been to the gym. Around my gym there is a Tesco and a huge Seiyu and another big supermarket.

The downside to those places is that I have to walk 20 mins back to my house carrying a load of heavy bags. Sure, I could take the train, but more often than not, I walk.

The supermarket which was closest to my place before this one opened is tiny. And, like the others, it's either really cheap or super expensive. So normally I have to go to all 4 places to see which is the cheapest from week to week.

But this new one is a decent size with 2 floors and a great selection of meat and fish. The other really awesome thing about it is that it's open from 6am to 1am. Which means that even if I finish work late, I can still go and take advantage of the deals at the end of the day. I always see people talking about how they picked up cheap meat and fish when they went at night - gonna see if that's the case next week!

They have an opening sale on for a couple of days and the fruit and veg was so cheap!! Only 79yen for an avocado and zucchini was only 79yen as well!! Got loads of meet and fish at half price - I've shoved it all in the freezer so that's gonna last me a while. And I spent under 3000yen! I couldn't believe it! It pretty much matches the other stores at regular prices but it's just nice to have something so close because it means I won't have to do a massive shop every time and practically break  my arms carrying the bags back home. I can nip in whenever I need something instead. How nice!! 

I might actually go in tomorrow night instead of next week to see what the discounts are like....if there are any on top of the sales prices. 

Super exciting! LOL!

I've always said that one of the things I miss most about the UK is a mammoth supermarket. I still don't have access to one but it's better than what I've had for the last 3 years!! And to not have to trudge a whole loada food home over a 20 min walk is definitely a bonus!!

Of course I'll still be nipping into Tesco for my ginger nuts!! HAHAHHAHA!!


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