“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 26 September 2012


The good news.

I just booked my flight to New Zealand!! YAY!! The prices are always changing online but I found a very reasonable one online and asked a Japanese travel agent to match the price...whcih they did...WITHOUT any handling fees. Swwweeeeetttt!!! \(^0^)/

The crappy bit?

I have to pay for the whole lot tomorrow.

Of course when you buy something online you have to pay for it upfront, but normally with this travel agent, they let you pay a deposit and then the rest of the balance is due one month before. But because there was literally only 1 seat left on my return flight, I have to pay the whole amount to secure the reservation.


I've just paid my rent, health insurance, pension, phone bill, gas, water, electricity, internet/TV, commuter pass and some other expenses and having to pay this as well - man, I've just kissed goodbye to my whole paycheck. Which wasn't even that much in the first place since I only worked half a month in August.

It's gonna have to be a quiet October!!


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