“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 23 February 2014

Close Call

To day I had a stressful week last week is an understatement.

I'm not joking - my stress levels went through the effing ROOF!

Mammoth dramas at the Thai embassy led to my visa application getting rejected. I can't even be arsed to get into, but I have never been that close to losing my temper in public. Let alone with an embassy official.

Seriously - I just wanted to shoot a hole in the plastic screen and punch her in the face. And then slam my stiletto bang into the middle of her forehead. Stupid *****. I literally had to ask her to take a moment to calm down - after all, don't **** with the people who have the power to let you in or kick your arse out of a country!

HOWEVER, thanks to a lot fo support and encouraging words from some fabulous people, it's done and dusted and I FINALLY have my visa. I had a bit of a surprise supporter as well - it's weird how people step up in stressful situations and I was shocked to see this particular person offering to help and constantly being there. No idea what made that happen, but of course, I'm grateful for the support. I'm not generally one to think about "What ifs" but in this case I was....because it would've meant losing a crap load of money.

 But it's over and there's no point thinking about it like that anymore. Now I need to get stuck into the 100 hours of reading I'm supposed to have done before the course started. I know - it's not gonna happen. I'm insanely busy over the next couple of weeks, but I'm gonna do what I can. In between working and trying to catch up with friends, it's gonna be hard.

So it's gonna be a long, hot bath and an early night fcr me!


Saturday 15 February 2014

A Secret Admirer?

I am so ready for the heat.

When I saw the amount of snow outside this morning, I wanted to cry. When I saw that it was raining, I wanted to cry harder. And then I stepped outside, took one step into the road and had water coming halfway up my leg. That made me want to run back inside, curl up under the duvet and bawl! What a miserable day to have to leave your house!

I ended up having a really nice night with a friend I hadn't seen for ages. Champagne and good banter made this ghastly weather more bearable and I just really enjoyed myself - especially after a busy week. 

I came home from work today, and my housemate told me she signed for a parcel for me....but the courier told her that he was told to remove the sticker with the sender's details on delivery. Confused, I went upstairs and opened a really prettily wrapped box. Inside were two bottles of bubbly (one of which had gold bits floating around in it) and chocolates. 

No note, no card, no letter, nothing.

At first, I broke into a huge grin when I thought it might be from a particular person. And then I realised that he doesn't know my address and...well...he wouldn't have done that anyway! And even if he did, there would be a card.

So now I'm sitting here perplexed at who sent me this stuff. I was wondering if it was one of my girlfriends as a kind of joke but...I don't know anyone that would bother going to all the hassle! I don't really get it - if you went to all the trouble to send someone a gift. wouldn't you want them to know that it was from you? Is it a stalker? Is it a secret admirer who just wants to remain secret? It's very cute...but a little bit weird.

Whoever you are, speak up!


Friday 14 February 2014


What a morning!

Firstly, Happy Valentine's Day! 

Especially to those of us who have been deserted on the Day of Love. LOL!

For years, I was one of those people who swore that they hated Valentine's Day - that you should tell someone you love them EVERY day and you should get gorgeous flowers and chocolates all throughout the year.

But the truth of it is, we all love Valentine's day really! We're just jealous when we see our Facebook news feeds rammed with pictures of all the fabulous and romantic gestures other people are giving/receiving! 

So yah, I'm feeling a bit meh about that. It sucks. But I shall be seeing my newly engaged friend later, whose new fiancee left yesterday on a business trip. So he's feeling deserted as well and we're going to whine and moan and be deserted together. 

B******s point number one about this morning:

I am HUNGOVER. I'm not joking - SERIOUSLY hungover.

B******s point number two:

Due to b******s point number one, my alarm went off at 6am, I switched it off, rolled over and went back to sleep.....woke up at 7.30am and realised that there was no way in hell I was going to make it back to my house, pick up all my documents and get to the Thai embassy for 9am. So I missed my visa appointment. Great.

B******s point number three:

My neck is caning from sleeping on a sofa.

B******s point number four:

It's snowing. Heavily. I didn't have a hat or an umbrella this morning, so by the time I got to the station, I looked like I had just stepped out the shower. Classy. 

I've basically been really bad at catching up with people since I've been back from London. My schedule is a bit awkward, so I'm always meeting people really late.....plus, I was spending a lot of time with one particular person.  I finally caught up with one of my friends last night, got to chow down jerk chicken and we were there chatting away, and before I knew it, it was 1am and I'd missed my last train. I was so set on making sure that I got up early so that I would be able to come back home and get all my stuff together, so when I woke up late, I was seriously annoyed. I don't think I've ever gotten dressed that quickly!! HAHA! It was a bit freaky, because I was using all my friend's girlfriend's stuff and completely lucked out when I checked her contact lens prescription - it's EXACTLY the same as mine, so I got a free pair of lenses out of it as well! LOL! I'll leave him to explain that one!

It's not all bad though. Because of the snow, my first private lesson cancelled and I don't have another one until later this evening, so I basically have the day off! Time to work on this visa application - why I thought it was a good idea to make an appointment this morning when I don't even have any of the documents prepared is beyond me! And I know I moan about the snow all the time, but being inside and looking out the window with a hot cup of tea in my hand? It's super pretty. I bet some couples are going to have an awesomely romantic evening with a snowy backdrop. 

Lucky them!


Tuesday 11 February 2014


Today is going soooooo slowly, I can't bear it.

There aren't enough words to express how excited I am to go to bed tonight.

LOL - noooo not THAT. Unfortunately. ;-)

I can barely keep my eyes open. 

The last week has been a bit mental. I've been heading out faaarrrr west a lot - which is very unlike me to be so generous with my time. Looking back on it now, I'm really surprised how much my mood changed from when I was on my way down there to when I was actually there. Every time I was heading out, I'd been grinning like a fool, super excited about my evening...and then en route, or at the destination, something always happened to sour the evening. **sigh**

Everyone always warns me about being overly generous, caring, giving....blah, blah, blah. Seriously!!!! I didn't do the things I did to get anything in return, but there is always an expectation of what you think will go down in terms of the generosity, caring and support you will receive. Or an acknowledgement of the effort you have made. The people that know me well will slap me if I tell them the results of the incredible amount of effort I made last week with a particular situation. It's just not something I would do - especially not with my crazy schedule. Or at least call me a dumbarse. LOL - I don't need them to tell me that - I already felt that one.

On more than one occasion. 

Sometimes you never learn from past experiences. 

I dunno - you have to accept that some people are just never going to behave the way you want them to or be the way you want them to. I don't believe in trying to change people or mould them, but everyone can make that little bit of effort for someone else, no?

It's kinda hard when the odds are stacked against you though, I suppose.

We'll see. 


Sunday 9 February 2014



What an emotional rollercoaster.

So I was feeling pretty miserable when  woke up this morning. I literally was thinking how sorry I felt for anyone who had to speak to me today, because I was in such a bad mood, I would rip their head off! LOL!

And then I got a text which most certainly turned that frown upside down!

Not even just upside down - I've spent most of the day grinning from ear to ear and everyone is on the receiving end of my now FABULOUS mood. 

HAHA - how quickly emotions can change, ne!

VERY much looking forward to this evening! ;-)


Saturday 8 February 2014


I can't decide which emotion is stronger right now...

...upset or anger.

I am absolutely FURIOUS with the snow. I hate it on the best of days, but I'd have shut up and dealt with it if it was ANY other day next week......just NOT TODAY.

No, no, no, no, NOOOOOOOO.

I had special plans for this evening. Plans which can't be rearranged for 3 months. VERY special plans. 

And because of this ridiculous snow, all the trains going west out of Tokyo have stopped. I couldn't even get home today - I had to walk from Ikebukuro because the Seibu line wasn't running.

So those special plans couldn't happen. Of course I'm upset...and bitterly disappointed. But what has made the whole thing even worse, is the reaction of the other person that I was supposed to have those plans with.

It's not like I can control what happens with the weather. I tried every possible train route to try and make it happen, but couldn't get any further than Shinjuku. And then when the Seibu lines stopped running as well, that was the last of my options exhausted.

As if I didn't feel bad enough about tonight not happening already without feeling like I'm on the receiving end of someone else's blame. It's really hurtful.

So it looks like tonight will just be me and my electric blanket!

Effing snow. Bring on spring!!




Sunday 2 February 2014

Thank You Very Much!

So taking some time out has been amazing.

I've just had such a lovely weekend.

I've been sick all week and was just feeling really crappy - so it was nice to get out and about instead of staying cooped up inside all day.

Yesterday, I hit up Yokohama - I hadn't been there for absolutely AGES, so I was really excited about going. It was great - not as rammed as I would've expected over the Chinese New Year weekend, but there was this dinky little strawberry festival going on and I got to hit up the Yokohama branch of bills. Which no one could ever complain about, lol! 

I just enjoyed walking around, hanging out and then hitting up a bar. Before I knew it, it was nearly midnight and even though I managed to make it back into Tokyo, I'd missed all the last trains and had to get a cab back.

This morning, I headed out and stuffed my face at Cafe Hohokam in Harajuku. Now you all know that I wouldn't normally go anywhere near Harajuku on a Sunday - the things I do for other people! LOL! I wouldn't normally wanna go anywhere in winter, but how gorgeously warm has the weather been this week?! One thing about Japanese winters is that even though it's cold, it's sunny with blue skies and super pretty. Touch wood. I'm dealing with it a lot better this year - even with my snuffly cold. 

Naturally, the company I had over the weekend made everything even better. Thank you. 

I already shocked that it's February. The DELTA looming over me is starting to make me panic as the thought of the insane stress that's going to occur over the next 3 months sets in. I was worried that I don't really have the time to dedicate to it as it needs, but then I realised that the whole experience is going to put me close to 1 million yen out of pocket - I need to give it time. Even if I end of running myself ragged. I want to do it - it doesn't mean that I'm looking forward it. And I'm definitely not looking forward to spending 2 months away from a certain person.

It's just that thing of thinking about how much I'm going to have to do and catch up on when I come back - it's daunting. The only thing I can do, is get as prepared as possible for it and for when I come back so that things can go just a little bit easier. 

Here's hoping!
