“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 2 February 2014

Thank You Very Much!

So taking some time out has been amazing.

I've just had such a lovely weekend.

I've been sick all week and was just feeling really crappy - so it was nice to get out and about instead of staying cooped up inside all day.

Yesterday, I hit up Yokohama - I hadn't been there for absolutely AGES, so I was really excited about going. It was great - not as rammed as I would've expected over the Chinese New Year weekend, but there was this dinky little strawberry festival going on and I got to hit up the Yokohama branch of bills. Which no one could ever complain about, lol! 

I just enjoyed walking around, hanging out and then hitting up a bar. Before I knew it, it was nearly midnight and even though I managed to make it back into Tokyo, I'd missed all the last trains and had to get a cab back.

This morning, I headed out and stuffed my face at Cafe Hohokam in Harajuku. Now you all know that I wouldn't normally go anywhere near Harajuku on a Sunday - the things I do for other people! LOL! I wouldn't normally wanna go anywhere in winter, but how gorgeously warm has the weather been this week?! One thing about Japanese winters is that even though it's cold, it's sunny with blue skies and super pretty. Touch wood. I'm dealing with it a lot better this year - even with my snuffly cold. 

Naturally, the company I had over the weekend made everything even better. Thank you. 

I already shocked that it's February. The DELTA looming over me is starting to make me panic as the thought of the insane stress that's going to occur over the next 3 months sets in. I was worried that I don't really have the time to dedicate to it as it needs, but then I realised that the whole experience is going to put me close to 1 million yen out of pocket - I need to give it time. Even if I end of running myself ragged. I want to do it - it doesn't mean that I'm looking forward it. And I'm definitely not looking forward to spending 2 months away from a certain person.

It's just that thing of thinking about how much I'm going to have to do and catch up on when I come back - it's daunting. The only thing I can do, is get as prepared as possible for it and for when I come back so that things can go just a little bit easier. 

Here's hoping!


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