“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 15 February 2014

A Secret Admirer?

I am so ready for the heat.

When I saw the amount of snow outside this morning, I wanted to cry. When I saw that it was raining, I wanted to cry harder. And then I stepped outside, took one step into the road and had water coming halfway up my leg. That made me want to run back inside, curl up under the duvet and bawl! What a miserable day to have to leave your house!

I ended up having a really nice night with a friend I hadn't seen for ages. Champagne and good banter made this ghastly weather more bearable and I just really enjoyed myself - especially after a busy week. 

I came home from work today, and my housemate told me she signed for a parcel for me....but the courier told her that he was told to remove the sticker with the sender's details on delivery. Confused, I went upstairs and opened a really prettily wrapped box. Inside were two bottles of bubbly (one of which had gold bits floating around in it) and chocolates. 

No note, no card, no letter, nothing.

At first, I broke into a huge grin when I thought it might be from a particular person. And then I realised that he doesn't know my address and...well...he wouldn't have done that anyway! And even if he did, there would be a card.

So now I'm sitting here perplexed at who sent me this stuff. I was wondering if it was one of my girlfriends as a kind of joke but...I don't know anyone that would bother going to all the hassle! I don't really get it - if you went to all the trouble to send someone a gift. wouldn't you want them to know that it was from you? Is it a stalker? Is it a secret admirer who just wants to remain secret? It's very cute...but a little bit weird.

Whoever you are, speak up!


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